God works in mysterious ways. But He works! And how He works should always leave us with our mouth wide open and speechless! In fact, this is the most relaxed position for the jaw; it is the most natural position for the most relaxed people - the dead, but it should also be true for the living! This is the way to be - always! Everything around us, even the people around us, should leave us with a sense of awe and amazement.
“I will walk in the presence of the Lord, in the land of the living.” The Lord and the living go hand-in-hand. The fact that “I am” and God is the great “I am who am” means we are always in the presence of the Lord. It’s as simple as that. Do you feel His presence? Do you have your eyes open? C.S. Lewis once wrote, “There is no such thing as a simple conversation, or a conversation with a mere mortal?” A conversation with another living being is an image and likeness of our eternal conversing with the Lord. It should not be taken for granted. Every day I get a variety of messages from friends. A message is a knock on my door. It is an image and likeness of opening up your eyes and seeing the world. A conversation with another is a spiritual awakening, an opening up your eyes to another’s soul. Every message should make your day! I try not to take for granted a single message. Regardless of what means of communication is used, each message is a conversation, a dialogue between two living beings, united in heart and mind for a brief moment. This simple exchange is incredible; there is nothing common about that! The same is true with the Lord. When I read the Gospel of the day, the Lord communicates to me, directly. Of course His words are spread far and wide, but his words are there for me. Like the sun that rises for me, so His Son is just for me! The Lord communicates his presence, his warmth, and his word in a multitude of way, and through my heart, mind, body and soul, I receive His present.
Abraham did not run away from the Lord because he believed, he lived in the presence of the Lord, and it was credited to him. The paralytic could not physically run away from the Lord, but he could have shouted insult upon insult as the Lord approached him. But he didn’t because he lived in the presence of the Lord. Both men underwent tremendous suffering, and both experienced tremendous blessings because they lived in God’s presence. Everything is a blessing; everything is grace, even the Cross, when one lives in His presence. Everything comes from the Lord. The sun will shine on all who come out and live in the light.
Let us ask the Lord to walk with us, his children, especially as we journey through the valley of tears and darkness. Let us never have any fear for the Lord makes his presence felt and known. Today, taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Look and see what God has done for you!