(Click here for readings)
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has looked upon his lowly servant...
Let's be honest. Let's face it. We all like to give not just a nice "first impression," but a nice "first impression" all the time, especially when we have a particular person or target or goal in mind.
We love to dress up and look our very best in front of important company, while enjoying the comfort of looking grubby when left alone or in the presence of insignificant others. Hair stylists and fashion gurus are a must when parties and celebrations are on the books. But if we are sitting alone or in the midst of strangers, then baseball caps will do just fine and are exactly what the doctor ordered. If you don't believe me, then check out "People" Magazine.
We enjoy giving ourselves a pat on the back, even if it means slapping others across the face. And thinking highly of oneself is not too difficult of a thing to do. It's as easy as crushing those around us when their backs are towards us.
What do you do when you make a visitation? What is your take on it?
Visitation. A visitation is more than just a simple get together or chat with your neighbor. It is a moment full of meaning, and at the heart of it is service.
Visitations serve a purpose.
In the visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, the purpose of her visit is to share the Good News. And what exactly is the Good News? Our life, in general. Our life in Christ, to be a little bit more specific.
The incarnation of the Son of God. Life was never meant to be locked up, hidden and taken from us. It was meant to be given, shared and received. The Blessed Virgin Mary set off to visit her cousin Elizabeth to give and share her story and her Son with others. This is the Good News. Give it! Share it! Receive it!
What is your story? What is your story in Christ? I wonder which is more beautiful and heartwarming?
Our Life. Believe it or not, on the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Lord is inviting us to "show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred" (Chapter 24, Scarlett Letter).
Mary does just that. And just in time, too. "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord..."
Wow! Talk about giving all the credit to God. Talk about not pumping oneself up. How strange of anyone to do such a thing.
I have learned that there are two ways to look good: crush those around you or elevate those around you. Mary chose the later. Mary always seems to choose the "better part."
Think about it. She could have easily been swept off her feet at the prospect of fame and fortune. She could have easily taken center stage and become the object of worship, adoration, and, of course, idolatry. After all, she had all the right stuff! Young. Beautiful. Immaculate. And all people around her would have gladly placed her upon their shoulders...and then sold their story for millions to Hollywood.
Mary chose Christ. She chose God's Will rather than her own. "Let it be done to me according to your word."
When examining Elizabeth's reaction to Mary's visit, I find it somewhat similar to that of millions of teenagers in the presence of an "American Idol." Apparently, Elizabeth was on a roll and was already falling head-over-heals in the sight of the new "Israeli Idol."
"Blessed are you among women...And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"
It wasn't Mary's fault. She wasn't visiting her cousin to create a sensation. It's just the way we are. We take people and elevate them all the time.
Yep! If people do not worship God, then they'll end up worshiping something or someone else, period! We are always worshiping something or someone else.
Mary put an end to it almost immediately: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has looked upon his lowly servant."
Mary's visitation to her cousin Elizabeth is an important day because it marks the first time the Good News was shared with others by others.
Share your story with others. Share your life in Christ with others.
Here's a great song to go with this meditation.