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As Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him. Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by waves; but he was asleep.
His disciples followed him. Do you want to make your life harder than it has to be? Then follow Him. Do you want to make it more challenging and thrilling than it already is? Then follow Him.
Get in the boat and sail away into the big and bad and dark storm.
Today's Gospel passage is perfect for personal meditation.
Are you going through some tough times right now? Is your marriage falling apart? Are your kids a disaster? Are you unhappy with your life? Do you feel uncomfortable in your own skin? Do you feel like our country is ruining itself? Are you sick? Are you alone? Are you clinging to people? Are you experiencing a mid-life crisis?
If any of these things are happening to you right now, then re-read today's Gospel passage and begin to reflect on it.
He was asleep. The Lord was sound asleep as the boat was being swamped by waves. Asleep? How could He be asleep? Isn't this the number one criticism directed towards God - towards organized religion? And hasn't Christianity made things worse by claiming God a loving Father (the Father) who is aware of all that is happening?
Does God fall asleep often or just when we need Him?
O you of little faith. Last night I watched a very interesting movie. It was about spies and agents and other cool stuff. Now part of the movie was about training new agents. One test involved all the cadets jumping out of a plane and landing on top of a certain target. The tricky part would be the landing, at least that's what they all thought.
One by one they jumped. The jump went well. But as they were falling from the sky, the instructor made an astonishing announcement. He told the group that one of their peers had no parachute. The test quickly became a test on sacrifice and teamwork.
From thousands of feet above the ground, the sky divers quickly grouped together. One by one they pulled the ripcord until only two cadets remained. As the final two hung on to each other, one of them pulled the ripcord. It worked. The cadet without a chute was saved. But he was upset! Immediately after landing, he marched over to the instructor and demanded to know why he was left without a parachute.
Why me? Did you think I was the dispensable one?
Easy, son! Did you ever think of pulling your ripcord?
The instructor leaned forward and pulled the cadets ripcord. Immediately, his parachute opened up.
All of them had a parachute.
We are perishing. Near the end of the movie, the main instructor clearly states what everyone suspected: the cadets were never in danger of perishing.
Christ feels the same way. I will never let you perish. This is why He can look His Apostles in the eyes and on the boat and in the midst of a storm and say, "Why are you terrified? O you of little faith." Don't you know I would never let you perish!!!
So is the Lord testing them? I don't think so. What I believe He is doing is teaching them to call out to Him. He is telling them, You can't do life without me.