The beginning is the best place to start. Asking the Lord to bless us this New Year is an excellent way to start the New Year. What is my New Year’s resolution? At the start of this New Year I will personally keep my heart and mind open to the Father’s Will. I will seek, through prayer, the grace of faith and strength; to be where he is, from stable to grave. I know wherever he is, is the safest place to be and the best way to live my life. Where the Lord is, I wish to be – either wrapped in his arms or nailed next to Him. Why? Because I seek the peace and harmony that only He can give, knowing full well that when my will corresponds to His Will there is great peace and harmony, even in the midst of turmoil and tragedy.
What comfort the Lord gives to a soul when all things can be offered up to Him! Even the most mundane, rudimentary things have value when they are given to the Lord for his blessing. John baptized with water alone, but God raised his life, his mission, his work, his words, even his water to glory. All the glory and honor goes to you All-mighty God!
This year I will ask for an increase in faith. I need it! For I know that the Lord is a demanding God. He asks me to give, and to love unconditionally. To give help to the poor, time to the sick and elderly; and hear and heal the sinner. At times they annoy me. I wish to have nothing to do with them. So, my Lord, increase my faith so that my hands will never work in vain or be extended and empty.
The Holy Father, Pope Benedict, states that faith begins when I know the love the Lord demands from me but cannot humanly give what He wants. At this moment God fills my hands with his Son’s grace. My giving will be super-abundant, for it is the Lord that gives through my hands and my life.
Today we are on the eve of a new year. I invite all to do a healthy and rigorous examine of conscience, not to knock yourself down but to build your life up, through Him, with Him and in Him, which is the best Way to start.