Luke 10: 1-12 Lambs Among Wolves
Why is it so hard to be good? I immediately heard this answer: “Because sin perverts goodness.” Sin destroys, period. Rebellion always aims upwards; it shoots towards God, futilely missing its target and falling downwards, causing severe damage against our neighbor, our friends, our loved ones. Sin causes collateral damage that harms and poisons even the most intimate of relationships. A married couple must always take a vow that includes the “bad times” because we all know there will be bad times ahead; most of them caused by those three ugly persons, united in one unholy trinity: Me, myself and I.
The more we have sinned against God, the more we will sin against our neighbor; the more we will never enjoy any type of friendship. We will always seek more; desire more and want more! “Behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves.” This is a warning from our Lord. So how do we defend ourselves? What is his solution? “Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals; and greet no one along the way…Do not move about from one house to another,…eat and drink what is offered to you.” Seek nothing. Desire nothing. Demand nothing. The Apostle, disciple or friend of God is to give the Good News, freely, without compensation, without reward. Is this not impossible? Yes. “For without me you can do nothing.” An impossible situation can only be resolved by true Love, which includes forgiveness and mercy. God is that true LOVE that must always be added in to all our relationships: husband or wife; sons or daughters; mother and father; mother-in-law or father-in-law; friendship or acquaintance; supplier or customer.
What is the Good News. “You can count on me because I count on Christ.” Or, “You can count on me because I was sent by Christ.” In this world, I might not be able to find a good friend, but I can definitely be one.
Working in a school is not too different than working in an office, which is not too different than working around the world. There is drama! There are conflicts. Here they are: suspicions and doubts, bitterness and frustration, anger and resentment, rejection and manipulation. The list could go on and on. How we and our companions handle difficult moments will always be a good indicator on how we all pray. How we pray will always determine how well we live our lives. The Lamb was necessary to break the cycle of sin. The Lord sends us like sheep among wolves to break the chain into tiny pieces. His words, his promises are all that we need.
We all know that it doesn’t take much to have our spirits crushed or our hearts torn apart on any given day. We also know that it doesn’t take much to break one’s spirits and to ruin their day. The above sentiments are consequences of sin, either my own sin of seeking, desiring or wanting what the Lord does not give; or grabbing and manipulating what the Lord does give. Sin is ugly on both sides of the coin: causing it and receiving it. Dead bodies are found on both sides.
Lord, allow me to “raise you up” in the land of the dead; to speak your words and to live your life. I will give light to those who sin and bring patience to those who seek. I will love those who are deceived and forgiveness to those who deceive. I will be one with You; united to the Cross that brings life everlasting. Amen.