(Click here for readings)
By Benedict Augustine
By Benedict Augustine
“And your Father
who sees in secret will repay you.”
A few years ago
after our graduate class on St. Augustine's Confessions had concluded for that
evening, I talked with my friend about converting to Catholicism. He was a
Calvinist Reformed Baptist Protestant, but he had a special affinity for St.
Augustine and seemed to tolerate my thoughts of religion well enough whenever
we discussed it. I brought up this fact to him, and asked him why he had not
considered converting.
I expected some
reply involving some abstract expatiation on the differences he held concerning
predestination, or the emphasis on faith or scripture alone, passages of
scripture, or some such topic since he did this in past, relishing those opportunities
to show off his intellect—even more than me. This time, however, he answered
more candidly: “The Catholic Church is dying. It doesn't bear fruit anymore,
not like it did in the past. I do like St. Augustine, and I think he would
probably go to the church that I go to now, one that is growing and alive.” He
went on to tell me how his church had a vibrant singles group, mission trips, a
charismatic pastor who gave inspiring talks, a new campus in the making, and
all sorts of ministries and programs that benefited the community. From what he
could tell, the Catholic church had none of these things. By this criteria, his
church was a winner, and mine was a loser. Although I now find it ironic that
he said this in a Catholic university (University of Dallas), after a class
centered around a Catholic saint making a confession of his Catholic faith, at
the time, I had no reply; not because I could not think of anything, but
because I did not know where to start—something tells me that most Catholics have
run into this situation.
My friend
expressed a common sentiment held by the majority of American Christians.
Conditioned by commercialism and centuries of Puritan theology which held that
God picks winners and losers regardless of one's actions, many people flock to
churches with the most outward appeal. As they do with cars, houses, and
country clubs, they shop around, consider their options, and pick the church
that best fits. Many churches, and not a few atheist organizations, have
adapted to this behavior, sending out flyers and pamphlets, making televisions
ads, sponsoring programs on the radio, and even writing up contracts for
prospective members to sign. Like my friend, they talk up their innumerable
ministries, their successful fundraisers, their superior fellowship—which,
compared to typical Catholic congregations, often have an eerily homogenous
makeup—in the hopes of attracting new members and collecting more tithes, which
many of them vigorously enforce. Unfortunately, in America one's religion
frequently resembles a brand of clothing more than a community's way of life.
The Catholic
church could do more on this front, and many desperate Catholics, seeing their
family members leave one-by-one for various reasons, insist it should do more
before our churches turn into museums as many have in Europe. However, before
plunging into the competitive spiritual marketplace in the hopes of making a
big splash, we should reflect on Jesus' admonitions concerning such an outward
display of piety. In His time, the pharisees made such a point of their
spirituality, announcing their acts of charity, delivering their prayers to a
crowd, making appearances in places of honor, and even drumming up their
penance. In hopes of boosting numbers in a crowded spiritual market of Isreal,
they wanted to show that they were winners and the others were losers in hopes
of making a splash. Assuming that they succeeded with this strategy, and they
likely did before the Romans destroyed their temple in 70 AD, they essentially
made their church a superficial entity, appealing to people's insecurities, not
feeding their souls. They made faith more a matter of style than substance. For
good reason, Jesus spoke against this repeatedly.
Contrary to
popular belief, Catholics actually have much to brag about. Besides simply
existing for nearly two millennia, braving every heresy and social movement
that has attacked it, it is by far the largest charitable organization in the
world. It has by far the most members who live all over the world. It has a
rich spiritual tradition, world class universities, and a ridiculously vast
collection of art and literature. It has the saints, the superheroes of
humanity. Besides hosting one of the biggest gatherings in the last decade
(over 3 million people for World Youth Day), Pope Francis even made it on the
cover of Time.
And yet, most
Catholics who know all this hardly talk about it. Not because they do not care,
but because most of them know that these successes should not form the basis of
their faith. God does not pick winners and losers; he only picks losers, hence
the constant call for humility. Probably thinking of their future persecution,
Jesus tells his disciples that “God rewards in secret.” These are words
to live and die by. Catholics can take some joy in the accomplishments of their
church, but they should take much more joy in the accomplishments of the Holy
Trinity. They should not pick Catholicism because it is a winner, but because
it is True. They should not pray, give alms, and fast because for the sake of
increasing membership but for the sake of increasing holiness.
On the surface,
this message to practice one's faith in secret contradicts injunctions to to
“be the salt of the earth” and the “light of the world,” but on a deeper level
the two messages actually complement one another. Sincere faith shines more
than the glossiest advertisements. True hope inspires people more than the
catchiest song. Sacrificial love, that love that emanates from the Holy
Trinity, creates a stronger bond than the coolest hippest congregation and
speakers. A life of holiness will bring more souls to God than a life of
Jesus did not ask
for salesmen; he asked for disciples. We should not sell our faith like a
product, but live it because is the Way, the Truth, and Life.
Bravo Benedict! Well said.
ReplyDeleteThe most sophisticated of the mega churches does not have what we have -- the Eucharitst, the sacraments, the rosary. We have the Truth. It is so amazing, so true, so beautiful!!!!
I have spent the week with 8 amazing Mission Possible teens doing service projects around town. We began the week with the Holy Sacrafice of the mass. Tuesday, after working with developmentally challenged adults at a summer camp in the country (and in the heat!), we sat around an old gazebo and prayed the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Today, when we finished cleaning a Headstart daycare early, we stopped in the chapel at church to find Jesus waiting for us. So reliable, so magnificent, so ready to greet us. We adored him together and then went in the Sanctuary, knelt, and prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries. It was amazing! The kids did not gripe. They were hot. They were tired, They were ready to worship Him!
We may not have the glossy brochures, the fancy worship centers, or even the best homilists (present company excluded of course!) but we have Him, present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinty and that is pretty COOL!
Glad to hear it! Having young people actually helping others, attending Mass, and praying the rosary regularly, will help them to take ownership of their faith and stay with the church as the grow older. Actually engaging in Christian life, experiencing the good that comes from it both within a person and with others, will accomplish infinitely more than any sales pitch. If they know what this is about, and do these things sincerely, no one ever comes away from these things unsatisfied.
ReplyDeleteIf only more Catholic youth groups could do this. Too often, the catechists tend to water down the faith and amp up the speakers shamelessly pandering to their kids. Although it seems counter-intuitive, kids more often respond to something challenging and serious than fun and games. Besides, I always wondered, even if that strategy holds the kids attention for a time, do we really want them associating Christianity with these gimmicks? It's no surprise then that they leave the Catholic Church for something trendier yet altogether false. Keep fighting the good fight.
On a side note, Fr. Alfonse outdid himself with the picture. I had a good chuckle when I saw it.