Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mt 8:28-34 Driving Out Our Demons

Driving Out Our Demons
Pigs are filthy animals! The devil knows where “it” belongs- with the pigs! And yet, even the pigs prefer death rather than diabolic possession! We should feel the exact same way, "death before sin!"
Seek God
The prophet Amos entrusts us to “seek God and not evil… hate evil and love good.” This is the first step towards holiness-“seek God”. The first step in the right direction of life is to love God before all other things. If I love God above all other things, then I’m almost there. The rest is easy: love your neighbor as yourself. If I love the Lord, then I will hate evil and no longer desire it. Love conquers all, even death. Today, we celebrate the first Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church. These men and women (and not too few children) preferred death before apostasy. Their assassin, the brutal and hate–filled Emperor Nero, began the first persecution against the Church. He is the one who sent Christians to their deaths. The one who began using Christians as fuel for evening spectacles, food for lions and game for hunters! He was the Anti-Christ spoken of in Revelations. His name in Hebrew is equivalent to 666. But let us not dedicate too much time or energy with Nero. Let us place our love and attention not on Roman emperors but on Christian Saints.
Drive out Demons
What holds me back? What stops me from giving my all to the Lord? What prevents me from driving out my demons? The Lord says “to the upright, I will show my saving power.” The upright are those who wish to be saved. They want to change. They are more than open to the truth - they are open to Him! They are ready to live the life demanded from Him. They are ready to walk the talk for Him. The upright are ready to pay the price, whatever it may be, to imitate their Master. It is interesting to note that when Christ enters the town of Gadarnes, the whole town folk come out to meet him and beg him to LEAVE! Sometimes, we just don’t want to be cured from our infirmity or cleansed from all our sins. Sometimes we fear the doctor more than our disease. Christ is more than a doctor, He is our Savior. The Prodigal Son's conversion began when he was sent to feed the swine and sleep with them. While all along there was a Father looking out for him and praying for his return. Let us drive out our demons and not the Lord!


  1. Thank you Father for reminding us that WE have a CHOICE to hold on to our demons and reject The Father's love and forgiveness or to take the more difficult road that leads to our healing and back into our Loving Father's eternal embrace.

    Seems like a no brainer. (At least until we get down the road a ways and can't see either end any more) I guess that's where the consolation of knowing that the Father is looking out and praying for our return comes in handy:)

    Lord let us never forget that you are praying and waiting for our return.

  2. Hi Father. I am a Raving fan! I was indirectly introduced to you through your support and service over at St. Ann in Coppell w/the Lifeteen group. Your homilies and now your prose are chock full w/passion, intensity, and really drive home the message! I love it. I was so impressed w/your Lenten talk over at St. Ann this past Spring that I mentally added you to my "I want this guy" list of possible celebrants for my future wedding! There is much work to do in that whole process, so stayed tuned. -With much love and in Him, resuwppb in Coppell, Tx


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