Monday, September 20, 2010

Luke 8:16-18 A Request From God

Luke 8:16-18 A Request From God

(Click here for reading)

What would life be like without God in my life? Impossible! Unbearable! A tunnel with no light at the end of the tunnel!

God is the light at the end of the tunnel because he is the end, the purpose of my life here on earth. When we cannot see God in the midst of darkness, we must power up the generator: Prayer. Prayer, reflection and meditation allow me to see some light while I make my way out of the darkness and into His wonderful light. He truly brings all good things to light!

Suffering makes us cower, roll up, and hide. When I suffer the last thing I want to do is talk to or be around people. But the Lord and the Saints (his brothers and sisters and Mother) think differently. When they suffered, they suffered for the glory of God. They did not suffer in light of their sins. Rather, they suffered in light of the sins of others. This is the cross I must carry. We cannot forget that the only Cross the Lord does not want us to carry is the cross of our own sins. That Cross, He will carry, be nailed to and die for. Being a Christian – like Christ - means I must carry the sins that others place upon my shoulders.

The birth of Christ meant The Light placed in a vessel, a human vessel. When the time came, The Light was placed on a crucifix and continued to burn brightly. Those who saw this light would see The Light. The Roman centurion saw the light and believed, exclaiming, “This man was truly the son of God.” St Paul saw the light, while persecuting Christians, and fell to his knees and asked, “Who are you?” The voice cried out, “I am Jesus, the one whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:3-9). Gentile and Jew would come to believe.

Christ is the light of the World. Whoever comes to see this light will have the light of faith. Many men and women have come to see the Light while looking at the crucifix. Constantine saw the cross and was converted. Francis listened, as the Lord spoke to him from his Cross, and rebuilt the Church. The Saints came to see The Light while looking at the crucifix. The mystery of the Crucifix is that it reveals the Son of Man as he truly is: the Son of God.

The theology of the Cross is a mystical well of revelation and conversion. The more we study the Cross, the more we understand and come to believe in the Son of God. “For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light.” Sacrifice brings about suffering, which brings conversion of heart and mind. We believe in God because he sacrificed and suffered for us. In other words, we believe in God because he loves us.

Let us not be afraid to sacrifice for others; suffer for others; to love one another. Let us allow the Lord to remove us from the security that exists from under our bed, and to place us upon a lamp stand, where the Lord will ensure that it is never consumed but burns bright for all eternity and for all the world to see.


  1. Beautiful Father, just beautiful! My soul is rejoicing!

  2. I was inspired to write this short meditation based on today's Gospel, Father.

    You, my precious Savior, are the light of the world. The light of the heavens. The eternal light that will illuminate the path of truth forever. Your love extends beyond our very limited comprehension and Your compassion beyond our very fragile understanding. You lovingly sent Your only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to conquer darkness forever and now there is no need to fear ominous days. For nightfall can linger for a while but ultimately and victoriously it is consumed by Your light. Your eternal promise that we were once lost children in the darkness but we have been lovingly found and will eternally live with You in Your light.

  3. “...Rather, they suffered in light of the sins of others..... Being a Christian – like Christ - means I must carry the sins that others place upon my shoulders.”

    ”Let us not be afraid to sacrifice for others; suffer for others; to love one another.”

    This has made clear the value of suffering. “Offer it up” has a deeper meaning. In fact it brings meaning to this “all too Catholic” phrase that has been passed down from generation to generation and lost it’s true meaning somewhere ‘up’ the line.

    I have offered up sufferings here and there throughout the years and I’ve sacrificed over the past few years for specific persons. But more often I have not, oh sure I’ve thrown prayers their way and I have been indignant that I should suffer or sacrifice for them, while they are living it up selfishly. I have even withheld prayers for a time because they didn’t deserve them or they persecuted me. And these were people I claimed to love. (Thanks for anonymity) That is exactly the opposite of Christ. He suffered and sacrificed for those who didn’t deserve it (me) and for those who persecuted Him. And I call myself a Christian?

    These meditations really dig up dirt!!!

    Thanks Father! This is exactly why my confession list is getting longer. I keep uncovering sins that I didn’t know were sins and some that have been buried under the bed. And maybe a few that seem like they should be sins!:)

  4. Powerful Meditation Father! Many things to ponder here!

    My meditations lately have been “Be still and know that I am God.” When I can let go of all the chaos around me, thoughts of people trying to hurt me, missed appointments, what will other people think, my reputation, etc. and just “be” in this present moment I do find God. A wise Catholic woman once said, “God is not in the past, God is not in the future, He is only in the Present Moment.” The Catholic Church teaches “actual grace” – grace that can only be received in the present moment!

    When I think in ‘this’ world’s terms, I never hear God’s Voice! “What am I going to ‘do’? What will happen if…?” But if I take a step back and look at my situation from a spiritual standpoint – I know for a fact that God is teaching me something about myself, the way I think, the way I judge others, the way I fear judgment myself, whatever that it is He wants to tell me. Many times it is incredibly hard for me to hear Him because I do not know how to change. I’ve tried but it doesn’t work!

    So I continue to sit with Him daily, trying to be open to listening to Him, not talking at all, making no requests. Just being with Him – receiving His grace in the Present - not a grace to do, but the grace to be. I do have past scars and glorious memories that have helped to make me who I am today, but I know I have homework in this lifetime – not passing on the sins that I have inherited – dealing with the hand I have been dealt. I have let go of trying to change others. I have enough work to do on my own.


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