Saturday, September 18, 2010

Luke 8:4-15 Only One Kind Of Life

Luke 8:4-15 Only One Kind of Life To Live

Today, the Lord reminds us how quickly we are scattered; how shattered we can become, and how hollow we can live our lives. Christ reminds us of how quickly we can fall out of love with Him. Let us ask the Lord for the grace to take action in order to strengthen our habits and fulfill the Law of Love: Unless the grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it will never bear any fruit. (Jn 12:24)

The Seed that fell on rocky ground

Here is the Christian who is unwilling to put into practice the necessary means for holiness. All of us want to be better. All of us would love to rid ourselves from the slavery of our sins, to free ourselves from earthly attachments. But in practice, in reality, I am unwilling to choose, to embrace, the means that are necessary for conversion. I am unwilling to strike the ground, dig a hole and place the Cross deep within the soil. This is the seed that falls on rocky ground. I hear the word, I am touched by it, but there is no foundation, no way for roots to grow. My heart is as solid as a rock. I am deaf to hear. I still remember, during the time of my conversion, discussing the faith with my friends, knowing all the answers, and drinking a few too many beers and using a few too many choice words to ever make an impact on them. My faith was an intellectual faith – in my head and not in my heart. In this passage, I believe the Lord refers to those who “intellectually” want to change, but in reality offer little for change to occur. There is no will to change. They are deaf to change.

The Seed that fell among the thorns

Here is the Christian who is willing to put into practice the means to holiness but it must be done his way. They have selective hearing. I have the desire to change, to free myself from any type of attachments, but it has to be according to my rules! As Frank Sinatra famously sang, “I did it my way…” This is the song that people sing in Hell. Here is the man who is choked by the world, by all its demands and aggressive tactics because he is still “of the world.” You cannot serve two masters! This Christian tries to, but as the seed begins to grow it is soon attacked by the weeds that surround it. It eventually will die. I cannot accept the Lord on my turf! I cannot accept the Lord on my terms. If you wish to follow me, pick up your Cross and start moving. Give no time for the weeds to grow around you. This is tough. It means leaving behind the possibility of close friendships, intimate relationships and just plain “hanging around”. The work is plentiful, the laborers are few. Pray to the Lord for men after his heart! The serious Christian should have a spiritual director in order to personalize their path to holiness.

The Seed that fell on fertile soil and grew

Here is the Christian who puts into practice the means that are necessary for holiness. This one is ready for a fight! He is ready to follow the Lord, ready to live for the Lord and ready to die for Him. To believe means to accept; accepting means following and following means imitating. This is the only way to yield a bountiful harvest. Believing is not enough, even the devil believes in Jesus Christ. Let us remember the passage with Nicodemus, the “would-be” follower. One foot in, one foot out will NEVER BE ENOUGH! It has to be all or nothing! The spirit is willing, the flesh is not. Poor man, he never put into practice his convictions. There was always something holding him back: the flesh. The desire for comfort, for assurance, for friendship, for companionship, for the easy way out, for the back door, and for the escape route! We must be like Cortez and “burn all your boats!” My only option, with the Lord is this: Embrace the Cross, follow Him, THY WILL BE DONE!


  1. “We must be like Cortez and “burn all your boats!”

    This one little phrase is the answer for me.

    If I burn my boats, there is no way back to the evil that once owned me. My wondering around the opening to the pit that has been so easy to fall into has to cease. I have to remove anything and everything that leads me there and if that is unhealthy relationships, negative, obsessive thoughts or harmful actions, no matter how in “control” I think I am, I have to distance myself because I am weak and I am comfortable in their company.

    Thank you Father. That is exactly what I needed to hear today.

  2. Burning your boats sounds like Cortez but is it what Christ would do? Maybe sometimes God allows for such tempations to purify and cleanse the soul? When purification happens these things will not effect ones road to Christ. And maybe God will reveal a beautiful gift behind a tempation. He has already done that for me.


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