Friday, September 24, 2010

Luke 9:18-22 Praying Forever

Luke 9: 18-22 Praying Forever

(Click here for reading)

The Lord prayed in solitude. His entire life was a lonely, ruthless and unforgiving journey towards the Father. His words were often twisted and misunderstood by friend and enemy; his deeds construed as the devil’s making; his life was a balancing act between heaven and hell. Loved one moment, hated the next. My first thought was, “What a waste of time!”

Is this not the eternal temptation, “The Great Temptation”, away from God? Am I not disgusted by sin and even more by the sinner? What a waste of time to heal the sinners…will they not sin again? Why even bother with the lost sheep. They do not even want to be found! They are not worth my time and effort. All they do is continue to poison the flock. No one wants the lost sheep: Out of sight, out of mind. Why take on the lonely and sick? Why cure them? They are pathetic and sick! They attack the medic; go after the friend. Their lives are in constant turmoil because they live an eternal nightmare. They say, “All are out to get me! I have no friends! No one loves me! Yes, because they have no eyes to see, no ears to hear and no heart to give. Their one companion is damage. They seek pain! They seek an enemy! The fruit of their lives are tears. The greatest deceit of all is that they consider themselves the victim. Sin turns the world upside down and around and around and around. What comes around goes around! Vanity of vanities:

“A time to be born and a time to die; a time to weep, and a time to laugh;

A time to lose and a time to keep; a time to love, and a time to hate;

A time of war, and a time of peace.” (Eccl 3:1-11)

The Lord broke the cycle of pain. He became both criminal and Savior; offering and servant; altar and sacrifice; priest and victim. He became friend and enemy; God and man.

The Lord always prayed during the night and broke the devil’s back. Even the night belongs to the Light! All becomes clear in darkness and solitude for you, my God, are with me always. The world and its allies are sound asleep. Day comes, evening settles, the end of another day. Only God continues to work throughout the night. All creatures great and small need rest. Without it, they cannot see clearly or react lovingly. Jesus did not sleep well. He is not a creature. He continued to work like his Father in creating a better world, a more loving world, a holier world.

Now came the moment to ask the question, Who do you say that I am? How frightening the possibilities. Prayer was absolutely necessary. Should I ask? What will they say? Are they ready for the truth?

Am I ready for the truth? Will I continue to live a life of vanities; a life lived in endless circles: A time for God, a time to run; a time to love my spouse, a time to hate them. A time for Mass; a time for me! A time for Confession and a time to hold on. What a waste of time!

Let us become children of the light: Loving, Forgiving and Giving. This must be the rule of my life because it is the rule of God’s life. There is no longer a time to hate, a time to fight or a time to keep. There is no longer time to lose! Jesus Christ is who He is: The anointed One of God. His enemies are his friends; that is, sinners are his friends; the lost are his friends; the Apostles are his friends. The dead rise, the lost are found and the sick are healed. Now is the time! Now is the time worship Him! FOREVER!


  1. Am I ready for the truth? Will I continue to live a life of vanities; a life lived in endless circles: A time for God, a time to run; a time to love my spouse, a time to hate them. A time for Mass; a time for me! A time for Confession and a time to hold on. What a waste of time!

  2. My husband and I have a family member exactly as described in your meditation - the "victim" in every situation. He continues to destroy himself and those around him. Most of the time I want to give up on him because it is too overwhelming and it seems nothing is ever gained. My husband continues to rally on in his support and love of his brother. I understand now that I need to pray for patience and the ability to react lovingly in every situation. Why is it I continue to find that I am the one that needs to change? Hmmm.

  3. "Even the night belongs to the Light! All becomes clear in darkness and solitude for you, my God, are with me always."

    The highlight of my day is when the day ends, when night settle in. The quiet and solitude of sitting with Jesus after midnight brings peace and a calm joy to my heart. It is the time I hear Him best, when there are no distractions.

    When I am sitting with Him late at night in the silence, my heart opens up and pours out the troubles of the day right into His Sacred Heart.

    I receive the consolation, enlightenment and hope that takes me through the next day.

    There is nothing I value more than ending every day sitting alone quietly with Jesus giving and receiving.


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