Friday, December 24, 2010

Lk 1:67-79 The Face of God

Lk 1:67-79 The Face of God

(Click here for readings)

The birth of Jesus begs a great question that must be asked. What did Jesus bring to the world? What has he brought? This question, which is The Question, brings great fear to all of us for if we do not know the answer, then we should all be afraid. What has Jesus given the world? Peace? Harmony? An end to war, poverty, sickness and illness? A better world?

Take two minutes before reading the answer. Ready? Do you give up?

The answer is simple: God. He has brought God.

We know who God is because we know who Jesus is. Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) writes,

“We ought not to judge the originality of Jesus merely by isolated sayings or deeds. The Cross is something new in the way he accepts it and suffers it. The Resurrection is new. Even the virgin birth is new. The message of loving God and loving one’s neighbor as fulfilling the whole of the law, or the Eucharist, through which he shares himself in his risen life, these are all enormous innovations that he brings into the world. All of these reflect what is absolutely new: that is to say, that God is no longer just in heaven; God is no longer Other, the incomprehensible One, but he is now also the One who is near us, who has become identified with us, who touches us and is touched by us, the one whom we can receive and who will receive us! In this sense, the entire originality of Jesus lies in himself – as a unity of God and man. (God and the World)

The Lord has truly set us free. He is the God of the living, the God who loves and wants to be loved, the God of mercy and compassion and the God who is and wants to be my best friend.

The Lord stands as a giant, though he came as a child.

He lives in his creation, as if he were just a man.

He knows how to cry. He knows how to laugh.

He knows how to live because he knows how to love.

The Creator is a child and Joseph, a creature, is his dad.

The roles have been reversed, the world has been turned upside down. The stimulus package has been revealed. In other words, I don’t have to be a CEO, or CFO, or UFO, or a billionaire, or the inventor of Facebook, or a Pop Artist to make a difference in the world. In fact, all I need to be is a child of faith, hope and love. This is what makes the world go around. All I need to be is a child at heart! That is, meek and humble of heart.

Why do we love the underdog? Why do we defend the weak and the innocent? Why do we grow angry and disgusted when we see an injustice carried out or a love betrayed? Because we were created in our Creator’s image and likeness. We were created to be small so that we could be great! Now as Christians we are set apart, called to be even smaller, yet giants in the eyes of Christ.

The Lord in his birth revealed the greatest qualities capable of man: Faith, hope and love. But above all, he shines in his meekness and humility of heart. The Lord loves the underdog for he is under God.


  1. Merry Christmas Father

    I pray that you will have a chance to rejuvenate and heal your heart, mind and body. You have been looking very worn out, stressed, not your usual joyful self, these past few weeks. I will be praying for you and your family to enjoy each other's company and the joy of our Lord's birth.

  2. Day after day Father you point us to the simplicity of who we are in relation to our perfect and heavenly Father. Clear, straight forward Truth in your message.

    Job well done good and faithful servant!May God continue to shine on you, bless you, guard you and may you always be open and full to the top of you head with His amazing grace.

    Thank you for this years relections..they have fed so many- but even ONE is worth it. May we all pray that you continue to feed us ( as well as yourself) in these daily scriptural reflections in 2011. Merry Christmas..

  3. Thank you Father Alfonse for being so generous in sharing your insights with us every single day. These meditations are definitely one of the instruments helping me in my God discovery journey.
    Happy Feast of the Nativity to you Fr. Alfonse.


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