Friday, December 17, 2010

Mt 1:1-17 A Holy Mess

Mt 1:1-17 A Holy Mess

How often do we compare our family with others? Take a good look at the Lord’s family tree and you will see that it is filled with saints and sinners. One thing is clear from this “holy mess”: God is in charge. So, we should not be ashamed or embarrassed of where we have come from, where we have been and who we are. The Lord can make straight the way, regardless of how it all began. God’s Divine Providence is above all other things. We can try to mess around with it, but in the end, God’s Will will be done!

This Advent:

1. SEEK GOD’S PRESENCE IN YOUR DAILY LIFE! Don’t take anything for granted. See the hand of God in the good, the bad and the ugly. Nothing is by chance. Everything has a purpose. There is a reason for everything.


Live your faith. Don’t be labeled average. Don’t be “normal.” Put a Life Program together. Make one Life resolution and keep it, work on it and conquer it. Learn from the mistakes of others. Write them down and make a promise to yourself. “I won’t let this happen to me.” “I won’t let my children go through this!” God may ask you to make a courageous decision for Him. Be prepared for that moment.


Be open! Be honest! Be flexible. Walk the Talk. Talking about God will keep him alive in your heart and will brighten the lives of those around you. And guess what? You’ll learn more about your faith every time you explain it to others. Share the reason for your joy and happiness – the reason for your strength and courage. Share the treasure: Confession, Eucharist - the Mass. Get involved…Walk the talk. Put it into action. Go on a mission. Give back what you have freely received.


Pray every day - while going to work or to school, in the morning, at the end of the day, while you’re waiting, while you’re eating alone. Read the Bible – the word of God. Reading His Word is like Him speaking to you! Jesus said to his Disciples means he is speaking to you! Go to daily Mass, experience monthly Confession. Then get away. We all need to get away from work, family, friends, school, studies, the radio, TV, games, pressures, applications, responsibilities, chores, etc…. – go on at least one retreat a year. We all need to replenish ourselves, recharge our batteries and get away from the noise. We all need to take a break from this world! Go and pray for 15 minutes.


Do I believe that with Him I will rise from the dead? Do not be afraid. Remember, “I have conquered the world!” Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy” (-Winston Churchill). We are Catholics! We’ve been around for 2,000 years. We are not leaving!!! We fight the fights that no one wants to fight. Never give in. Never give up! I will fight the good fight of the faith, so help me God! AMEN!

Your Word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet. Make straight the way!


  1. Today's meditation is especially consoling as I think about my 'wayward' child. I needed to be reminded that God is in charge. He has a plan and He can and will bring good out of the mess.

    My life was once a big mess and it's still not neat, but He has worked miracles for me and He can do the same for her. I just have to let go, trust and remember that He is God and He is in charge.

    Thanks for the reminder, Father.


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