Mk 1:21-28 I Know Who You Are
Anger is like a river that continues to swell in size! It washes over everything; it destroys whatever is in its path. The river drives all things along its path, brings an end to what was once beautiful, ordered and known. This is true of anger. But God is more powerful than any river. His love overflows. His mercy pushes aside evil to make room for compassion and truth. Only in this way, is beauty restored to its former splendor.
The devil knows who Jesus is. Even the devil knows he is the Son of God. And yet, the evil one cannot bend his will to the Father. To be one with the Father means more than an intellectual agreement – it means to be one in heart, mind and soul.
Someone recently told me, “Let us agree to disagree.” I told them that I was not willing to do that. I sincerely wanted to know why they thought I was wrong! Maybe I am wrong in assuming what I know, but I prefer to be in agreement with everyone as long as it corresponds to the truth. After all, the “truth shall set you free.” I take these words literally and my heart must be ready to accept the truth regardless if it is convenient or not.
Jesus demands that the evil spirit come out of the man who is standing in front of him. In similar ways, we have had these types of encounters: men or women shouting at us, insulting us or uttering every kind of evil or lie about us. They leave us speechless. They have left me shaking.
“What is man that you are mindful of him, or the son of man that you care for him? You made him for a little while lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor, subjecting all things under his feet.” (Heb 2:5-12)
Who are we? As you can see from above, we are the sons and daughters of the Father who is above all things. He made us for a little while just a little lower than the angels. Here below are the testing grounds. Here below we decide who we want to be. What kind of eternal life we wish to lead and live! By the decisions we make, we decide who will be our Lord and King; who will be our Savior and Friend.
The evil one can only utter and sputter words. He has no dominion over a child of God. He has no power over a child who belongs to the Most High. For this reason, when the Lord speaks, everyone listens. Regardless of the outcome, everyone listens.
Let us ask the Lord for the grace to speak his words in time of confrontation, with difficult people and when we are surrounded by hatred and evil.
We know who the Lord is. He is our comfort and our joy. I shall not be afraid.
Dear Fr. Alfonse,
ReplyDeleteThe Holy Spirit has spoken through you beautifully(as usual) and these words have comforted my soul...
"God is more powerful than any river. His love overflows. His mercy pushes aside evil to make room for compassion and truth. Only in this way, is beauty restored to its former splendor."
Wow, what imagery and truth to meditate on! Thank you so very much!
And then how inspiring...
"Who are we? As you can see from above, we are the sons and daughters of the Father who is above all things. He made us for a little while just a little lower than the angels. Here below are the testing grounds. Here below we decide who we want to be. What kind of eternal life we wish to lead and live! By the decisions we make, we decide who will be our Lord and King; who will be our Savior and Friend."
What confidence we can have in the Lord! His power is always enough. My power is never enough, and my effort without Him is futile. I will ask the Lord for "the grace to speak His words in time of confrontation" because I, too know who He is. He is my everything, and without Him, I am nothing but a puppet for Satan to do His as he wishes. So with God at my side, no matter how much hatred and evil surround me, I too, shall not be afraid!!!
May God continue to bless you! You are in my prayers!
Jenny Seymour
"I sincerely wanted to know why they thought I was wrong!"
ReplyDeleteLOL! Is Father Alfonse out sick? Love You Father!
"Maybe I am wrong in assuming what I know...and my heart must be ready to accept the truth regardless if it is convenient or not."
ReplyDeleteI can accept that. But who decides what truth is? I'm not talking about relativism, but when we have different perspectives, we may each have what we believe is true and for us, it is the truth from our angle. Is it not possible that the actual truth is made up of both perspectives or completely different from both viewpoints?
Just this morning, someone in my class said she was so upset because she could not get the truth across to someone who needed to hear it. She went to a priest (not you) with the problem, knowing she was right, and her facts were right.
He reminded her that charity is the sister of truth and he shared that truth with her in a charitable way that left her realizing that even though she was right, she was wrong. She had to share that truth in a loving way or she could do more damage than good.
True, underneath the Truth was Love, but that 'Love' was covered with Self Righteousness, so the love did not come through.
She walked away with peace and understanding.
So, What is truth? What is truth without charity? What is truth without visible charity?
Well hello there Padresito,
ReplyDeleteThank you for being you.
That's about the only thing I am afraid of, mean, hate-filled people, well I'm afraid of mice/rats too. I need to find a way to not be afraid.
“…men or women shouting at us, insulting us or uttering every kind of evil or lie about us. They leave us speechless. They have left me shaking.”
ReplyDeleteI have a temper and it sometimes goes off on people I genuinely love and they get hurt. It is not my intention to hurt them, but it is how I have always been. I’m Italian, what more can I say? I usually feel better once ‘it’ blows over. I don’t blow up over hatred or evil, but it just comes naturally when I’m frustrated. Sometimes I get frustrated because I love them and they just don’t ‘get it’ (my kids). I can see fear and intimidation in those I’ve hurt and until it was brought to my attention recently, I didn’t even know why. I don’t want to continue this behavior. The ones I’ve hurt the most are people I am close to, who trusted me, people I love.
I guess I just realized I am the perpetrator of pain and suffering and didn’t even realize it until thinking about your words in this meditation. I hope it’s not too late to heal the relationships I’ve hurt and to eventually gain trust back. I guess it's going to take some of that humility you are always talking about.
Thank you Father
Thank you for the courage and faith that shows what it means to be a catholic! a simple example shows the truth about what we are now, and what we are meant to be. Children of faith and not children of fear,free from ourselves and one with our God.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you!