Monday, February 7, 2011

Mk 6:53-56 Begging For God

Mk 6:53-56 Begging For God

(Click here for readings)

Just a couple of days ago I mentioned that we long to see God; that is, we long to have his presence in our daily lives. We need him in this heart breaking world we live in and contribute to. I am sure that all of us would settle even for the scraps that fall from the Master’s table. For this reason, we can see why Christ’s tassel is so important. Why were the people satisfied just to touch his cloak? Are the evangelists, such as Mark, exaggerating the people’s reaction to Jesus? Hardly. It is clear that everything the Lord touches is blessed; is made holy; is made good again.

“In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was as formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters.” (Gen 1:1)

Due to a severe drought, the people of the world will begin to witness the horror of an agonizing death upon the people of eastern Africa, particularly Somalia. All the resources in the world appear to be impotent in stopping the drought of love or healing the scars of terrorism and war in this part of the world. This deadly drought is totally man made. It is not a result of global warming or because of a shortage in water or resources (over-population), but because man continues to use man as a pawn and continues to use food as a weapon. This part of the world has been without a central government for years! And the world refuses to do anything about it.

The world was not created in such a way. It was created out of love. It was created with order. In the Old Testament, whatever is last is great. Jesus said, “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” The creation of man came last, for he is God’s greatest creation. A world without man would be a beautiful waste. A world without God is a world that is formless, a wasteland, where darkness and winds sweep away all that gives life! We do not want to go back to a world without God! We need God. We need to start begging for Him!

But I am afraid that as long as we have false idols in the world, we will not beg for the One and only One. Worshipping the Lord does not mean bowing down to pressure; or sounding “unenlightened”, or praying out of fear. It means giving glory to the One who desires all the glory. It means giving glory to the one who reached out and wanted to be touched!

Recently, I saw some old clips of Elvis Presley in concert. Before the King dropped dead, and in one of his last performances, he was seen throwing towels, wrapped around his neck and dripping in his sweat, to fans that were reaching out to him. The crowd went wild; young ladies were crying. These counterfeits will all turn to mold. However, the relics of the Saints, their bones, hair or what they wore and used remain fresh, clean and alive.

When the Lord touches us, and he allows us to touch him, we are no longer the same. Blessings, beauty and goodness flow from him and into all of us. Let us never settle for less, until we can settle with Him. After all, that is the reason for the blessing of his presence.


  1. False idols...I immediately think of Oprah. That woman has got some great power, and lots and lots of blind sheep following her. She already dictated who our current president is, and no, I am not saying he is not a good person, and I am also not saying he is a good or bad president. That is irrelevant to what my point is.

    I just think that when one person, a celebrity at that, a person whose qualifications is to blab...that person who knows of her power and her influence in the US and maybe elsewhere. That person should step back and not make her personal preferences known, her choices of such important matters like who our president should be because so many people who idolize her will just blindly bow down to her and follow her lead. They follow a woman who cannot even make the most fundamental commitment...commitment to family, to marriage (she's a 50 something year old woman cohabiting with her "boyfriend" for a few decades). How's that for starters as to what kind of "leader" she is?

  2. Thank you for great words today. Here's two working-on-holiness thumbs up!

    Have the best day!

  3. We are all BEGGING for God!!! For something (someone) to heal us! To enflame in our souls a passion for life! Without God, without His love, there is no answer and there is no ultimate purpose.

    Let us all pray for those who are lost; who are 'dead' inside. For those who long to be free, but who do not know how to break their chains. And let us also pray that we are never an obstacle to their freedom.

    God you Father! And have a good Monday : )

    - Jessica


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