Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mk 8:1-10 How Many Loaves Do You Have

Mk 8:1-10 How Many Loaves Do You Have

(Click here for readings)

The need is tremendous. The crowds are enormous. The resources are scarce. How will we get through the day? Where will we get enough food, clothing, medicine, or help for all these people?

The Lord provides with a little help from us. What is interesting is that the Lord demands all that we can give, nothing is held back, and when everything is said and done, there is an over abundance - too much left over to carry away.

Seven loaves are all they have and seven loaves are what He takes. “The Lord created the world without us but he will not save the world without us.” (St. Catherine of Siena)

I was saddened, so saddened, to read the latest report on female religious vocations in the United States. When asked about where they got the idea that a life of prayer and service was their vocation, fifty-two percent said they were encouraged by a religious sister, but fifty-one percent also said they were discouraged by a parent or family member. How sad! Of course there is nothing wrong with a family member being hesitant. When one mom was concerned over her son’s discernment to the priesthood, I helped her by clarifying her own concerns about the priesthood. I told her, “I don’t think you are so concerned about your son becoming a priest. I think you’re more concerned that your son will not be a holy priest. Ask him if he will be a holy priest. And if he says ‘yes’, then you have nothing to fear.”

A good friend of mine once told me that as a child she was interested in becoming a nun. She had, near her bed, maybe thirty or forty statuettes of Saints. The day she told her mother she wanted to become a nun, the statuettes disappeared.

How the Lord must be saddened with these holy Christian families that hinder their children from coming to him. How many loaves do you have? Whatever the number is, do you not realize that it all comes from God? He is the one who blesses. He is the one who gives. The Lord gives and the Lord takes, blessed be God forever!

Some observations:

1st: Christ noticed a need. He is the one who is concerned. The people have been with Him all day long. There are friends that we know or have known for a long time. Do I notice a need that they may have? Do they need any help? Do I notice but prefer to remain silent? Today, the Lord invites us, along with his Apostles, to take a step forward and commit yourself to a challenge that you cannot handle on your own.

2nd: In every challenge that I face, do I make an act of faith? Do I place my trust in the Lord? Do I commit all I have to the Lord? Or, do I hold back on anything? Do I look at every challenge as a means of giving the Lord recognition or thanks for all that I have? Am I ready to give it back with gratitude?

3rd: Without taking any shortcuts or without breaking any rules, allow the Lord to perform his miracles on you and those around you. Do your part faithfully and allow the Lord to do his also. The results will be abundant – great! The needs shall be met. The resources shall be sufficient.


  1. Excellent Meditation Father!

    Today's Gospel's is one of my favorites! It brings tears to my eyes every time I read it.

    Sometimes I get overwhelmed and think "how can I do everything in front of me"? Or "how are we as a family going to be able to afford this or that"?
    Today's Gospel reminds me that I can't do it by myself and I don't have to worry. I just need to believe that He can do all things through me, If I allow Him. I cannot do this on my own.
    All my life everything what He has given me has been exactly what I needed, when I needed it. Everything that is given is sufficient. I do not need anymore than He gives. I am the one that needs to stop doubting my gifts and talents and let him work through me. Fear is not of God.
    I also need to give Him praise in all things. The good, the bad and the ugly. For it all from Him for me to learn to fully surrender to His will for me.
    God Bless You Father Alfonse! You are in my prayers!

  2. Just when I felt I had eaten my last loaf of faith (for lack of a better metaphor); with very little left to hope and believe for. Doubt had reared it's ugly head in a big way, I got replenishment this morning. God indeed provides. - Lord I believe; please help my unbelief.

    Have the best day!

  3. Sarah-

    I think loaves are an excellent metaphor for faith.

    Hot from the oven! Fresh every day! Please pass the butter!



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