Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mt 5:43-48 Be Perfect!

Mt 5:43-48 Be Perfect!

How could I ever be perfect? And how could I ever be perfect as God the Father is perfect? What does this mean? There is something in all of us that drives us towards perfection. That wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that we tend to drive others towards perfection too: moms with their daughters and dads with their sons!

Not only do we want the perfect home, perfect job, perfect kids, spouse, and parents, but we want for ourselves the perfect body – chin, hair, eyes etc… We are very much attracted to perfection and are driven to achieve it, cost whatever it costs. And it costs much more than we could ever imagine.

There was an article in MSNBC that dealt with moms forcing (yes, forcing) their children, as little as eight years old, to have certain cosmetic procedures done. In one industry, body waxing, salons are routinely dealing with twelve year olds! Moms are scared out of their minds that their daughters will be subjected to teasing due to unwanted (excessive) facial or body hair, so they request appointments, even at the reluctance of the beauticians. There is a bill that is currently circulating that would make it illegal for young children (pre-teens) to go to tanning booths. We have come to the point where the obvious is no longer obvious and the government has to protect children from their very own parents! God help us! It is a guaranteed disaster!

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. (Is 55:8)

The Lord reminds us of where this desire, this attraction; this goal of “perfection” originates: it all comes from the Father; it comes from His creation, His works. It is the devil that distorts and twists it.

Why is God the Father perfect? Because His love for us is perfect. It is Love that never fails. His love conquers all: betrayal, denial, abandonment, crucifixion, and even death. His love endures all, bears all, love all: unconditionally. We are told to love your enemy, because even the Father loves them. He allows the sun to rise and the rain to fall on all his children. Can a parent lover her rebellious child? Can God love us - His sick, rebellious and fallen children? You bet! Actually, the bet has been made through Christ. The proof has already been given.

As Christians, we have a very special calling from the Lord, who is Lord of all. We are called by name to love every name, every person we meet. Yes, every person we meet because it is the Lord that sets up the meeting! Every person I meet, every soul that comes in contact with me, is a soul the Lord wants me to know and to love. How often that has happened in my life! And in the most bizarre of places: restaurants, airports, airplanes, sporting events, street corners. Have I loved them all? No. I’m still working on it. But I know that that is what the Lord considers to be most important. That is how the Lord wishes for me to be perfect. I hear him say to me, I sent you into the world for many reasons. Don’t settle for just a few. It is easy to become attached to a few friends. I know in my heart that I must move on.

The Lord moved from town to town, preaching the Good News and curing many who were sick. In each town he was overworked. God was tired, not of us but out of love! Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father has been perfect to you.

To be perfect means to be beautiful. May we never forget that King Solomon, in all his splendor, could not compare to the birds in the air and the summertime lilies. Those who live a simple, innocent and pure life are perfect! They are beautiful flowers in God’s amazing garden.

1 comment:

  1. Great Meditation Father!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share you meditations. They are always so thought provoking!

    It is amazing to me how God places people in my life each and everyday. Some are people I know and love who I am to learn something from. And some are complete strangers who I am to love as Jesus loved and learn something from too. Just as a woman I met at the MVD just about a month ago. This was a woman I would probably never encounter in my normal daily life. I had let my license expire and needed to get that taken care of asap. She was there, waiting in line right ahead of me. See, vain me had put off getting my picture taken so I could finally have a "good" "skinny" picture on my license. God keeps me in check because that didn't happen, you just never win with those pictures!

    Anyways, During our conversation she revealed that she had lost a baby, her baby died in her womb on January 23rd, which was the same day Emily died 15 years before. At that moment I knew that God had set up that meeting. And I was to listen and let the Holy Spirit lead. I think I was able to comfort her and hopefully give her some hope of healing. She definitely comforted me too. She also kept repeating the phrase "God works in mysterious ways". I know that was a message for me, the in-the-box thinker!

    Another friendship that He initiated was with my best friend. She is pretty much the only person that really knows me. I can and do tell her everything. She is probably the only person I have opened my "guarded" heart to, ever! I trust her and know she will never judge me.

    Last year her family moved back to Wisconsin. We keep in contact and I hope to visit her with the kids this summer. But it is not the same and never will be. However, through that friendship, I learned how to trust. And now I see the big picture. Why she was extracted from my life. I see how God has been working on me to put Him first, to share everything with Him and to trust Him. He is to be my best friend.

    And then there is you! You have been such a wonderful blessing to our family. I know each one of us is so grateful for the gift of you! Your advice is always so full of wisdom! I have even caught myself saying "how does a person who doesn't have children know so much"? I know it is the Holy Spirit working through you to me(us). And I know you have more calling you "Father" than any father ever will!

    Thank You for saying "yes" to God!

    You are in my prayers!

    Have a blessed day!

    Rose :)


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