Wednesday, April 13, 2011

John 8:31-42 Set Free

John 8:31-42 Set Free

(Click here for readings)

As children, we learned that lying would get us into trouble. As adults, we know that telling the truth can do the same thing!

The Lord told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. He got into big trouble because of it, because “there was no room for his word among men.” Déjà vu! At the beginning of his life, there was no room, anywhere, for the Lord. Now, near the end of his life, there is no room for The Word among the hearts of men. The Lord could not deny himself. Nor could he ever deny the one who sent him. Can I deny who I am? Yes, only with a lie. Can I deny the one who has given me life or loved me with a patience that is unknown to man and earth? Can I deny the one who has set me free by guiding me so gently through life’s volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis and heat waves? Yes, I can, and only because I am so darn stubborn and continue to be a slave to sin.

Recently, I had an encounter with a man who had been poisoned with Christian Fundamentalism or radical Protestantism. Everything I said to him, he protested; even to the point of leaving behind his common sense. He was arguing with me, asking me where in the Bible the rosary was. I told him, “You mean the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be?” I then proceeded to show him where each verse was located. He would not have anything to do with it. So, I asked him where in the Bible was the word Trinity? He told me the meaning was there. But I reminded him the word wasn’t, and therefore, according to his logic it should not be used, just like the rosary. Then the subject turned to Mary. Poor Mary, always getting a bum rap from her children! Just like so many moms today with their children! He insisted that Mary was just a vessel, a means to an end. I looked at him and said, “Why don’t you say that to your mom.” “Hey mom, just want to let you know that you are really just a tool, an instrument, a vessel to me and nothing more?” Of course he wouldn’t. He doesn’t want to get hit! It is very frightening how someone can argue with you with the bible in their hands and their brain back home! I reminded him, “Do you think that Jesus did not do whatever his mother asked him to do? Do you think that Jesus did not love his mother, with a child’s love, all his life? Do you really think that Jesus would not have taken, as God, the utmost care of his mother after she fell asleep? Do you really think she is dead and waiting the resurrection of body and soul?” End of conversation.

How lonely the Lord must have felt. How insidious the conversations must have been for him with the Pharisees and scribes, and, at times, with even his own apostles!

“If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus. Truth. Light. All three go together. They can never be separated: I am who I am. There is no dividing him up, like the Holy Trinity, like our common family.

Lord, set me free from the snares of the devil, from the hunter’s snares, from a darkness that can envelope my heart, mind and soul. Set me free from the evil that haunts me of my past sins; that distorts and damages my faith, hope and love in you! Set me free from those who wish me harm, who dig a pit for me, who push me away and wish away my very existence. Lord, set me free and hold me tight in your truth and light. Amen.


  1. I am just glad that all protestants are not like that man.

    Many years ago, I organized a prayer meeting with some of my fellow musicians on our lunch hour once a week. There were a few Catholics, a few folks from Bible churches, one person in transition from Episcopalian to Catholic (who was also in transtion from woman to man, but we did not discuss that matter) and even one Church of Christ man.

    We had good fellowship and prayed for all of our intentions. There was only one man who wanted to split theological hairs, and he did not come back.

    It was interesting that the topic we discussed the most was our tendency to make an idol of our music and what we needed to do to put God first, family second, and music third. We had all put music first for too many years of our lives. Being a professional musician is an all-consuming passion, and it is easy to be very self-centered.

    We were essentially confessing our sins to one another. There was no need for debate. . . . .


  2. Yesterday my comment was dropped before it went through. I cursed satan my time did not allow for a retype..., however on this first day of the Holy Week in spite of his undoing I return and retype while envisioning crushing his ugly head underfoot. To comment on Fathers reflection ...2 things. #1 Father the comment on calling "mom a tool"- gave me a great laugh. Not only catchy but hopefully will stick in many of our minds for a zealous analogy when assuredly we come across this similar situation on the topic of Mary. #2 God's mercy is to be called upon the man who does not have the full truth. We who can 'see' with open hearts must remember to ask for and to KNOW God's mercy for people like this. I was like him prior to my conversion. Having been like him -not have the fullness of truth about Mary and the many other treasures of the Catholic Church-I know blindness- and in many cases it is difficult to heal. Only by God's grace and surely prayers of others was I lead to convert 3 years ago Easter. Much of the blindness was a result of years being raised with indirect discrimination and unfortunately untruths due to lack of knowledge of the Catholic faith. Soon the blinders would eventually fall off. As I learned more and important too were/are the beautiful examples of holy people (priests, friends) who simply were so Christ like, I began to search this Catholic Faith. One September morning in 2006 while on a walk 4 years ago and 'exploring' Catholicism the RCIA group I casually asked God "God, if this Mary thing is so important, I know you will show me a sign"... not expecting an immediate response let alone one at all, just weeks later on the same path while walking I got my sign. It was a likeness image of our Lady of Guadalupe in a tree knot (not a tortilla). She lead me from there turbo speed to her son's Catholic Church from there on out and December 12, 2007 (Our Lady of Guadalupe's Feast Day) all four of my children were baptized by Father Alfonse witnessed by the entire lower school at the Highlands School!!! Thanks be to God!!! We must pray for all of our hearts to be open to His message of Truth, Mercy for others and us so that we might be fully engaged -face to face, heart to heart with Our Father for it is here where we meet our freedom and destiny.


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