Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mark 16:9-15 When We Believe in God

Mark 16:9-15 When We Believe In God

Doubts, disbelief, fears and terror. These are the sights and sounds of the early Church as they waited for their eyes to see the Risen Lord.

Surprise, joy, boldness and outreach. These are the sights and sounds of those whom the Lord revealed himself to.

In the Acts of the Apostles we witness an on-going transformation that continues to rock our world today. The Eleven, who were once locked in fear, can no longer contain themselves. They must proclaim the Good News, not because they received a death threat from the Lord but because they received his life. What was once considered impossible or dangerous (like being recognized, going out into the streets and preaching the Truth; preaching Jesus as Lord and God; preaching to the Jews and standing before the leaders, the elders and the chief priests, etc.) they now do without hesitation. They believe in themselves because the Lord believes in them.

When we believe in God, we begin to believe in ourselves. Nothing is impossible! Nothing, for nothing matters more than the Lord. What will separate me from the love of God: tribulations, betrayals, fear, suffering and pain, anxieties, bitterness, ridicule, loss of life, death, even death on a cross? Nothing. Nothing will separate me from the love of God. The old man is dead, buried and gone away. The new man has risen from the dead, and has been sent by the Lord.

Here I am Lord, send me! And he does, like he always has, and he will continue to bear fruit through me and after me.

How many times have I said, Enough!? Too many. How many times have I said, I can't do this anymore!? Too many. How many times have I said, I will never make a difference"? Too many. I could go on and on, so many more doubts come to my mind as I write this list. But the Lord loves me and loves sharing everything with me, even my dirty laundry list! The doubts we have the Apostles shared too. We, the modern-intelligent creatures, have the same doubts as the Apostles, those uncivilized-uneducated men. Yes, they may have said the exact same thing, but look and see for yourself what they did. They lived for the Lord and not for themselves. They believed in God because God shared his belief in them. He lifted them up! He told them as he told me, "Go and sin no more." God has more faith in us than we have in Him!

The Apostles woke up one morning and rocked the world. They had finally learned all things from the Master, and they began to imitate Him in everything - even his resurrection; for the Lord was the first to wake up one Sunday morning and change the world forever! We must do the same thing. Awake, O sleeper, arise from thy slumber. Christ is calling you by name!

1 comment:

  1. “… What will separate me from the love of God: tribulations, betrayals, fear, suffering and pain, anxieties, bitterness, ridicule, loss of life, death, even death on a cross? Nothing. Nothing will separate me from the love of God. The old man is dead, buried and gone away. The new man has risen from the dead, and has been sent by the Lord.

    As I was looking at your list above, it occurred to me that these are exactly the things that have brought me closer to God, at least the ones I’ve experienced. Without them, what would I need Him for? If He didn’t allow me to fall, to get bruised and battered, bloodied, humiliated, betrayed, lied to..., I wouldn’t need Him to pick me up, console me, hold me, reassure me, protect me, save me, love me…

    “Here I am Lord, send me! And he does, like he always has, and he will continue to bear fruit through me and after me.”

    When I look back at all the great saints and people God has used in the past to bring about His Will, I realized they were losers at one time, just like me. They were resurrected from the old man to the new. He did it for them and he can and has done it for me. What have I done for him? He hasn’t asked ‘me’ to die for Him. He has asked me to get very uncomfortable and to sacrifice for Him. That is absolutely nothing compared to what He did for me on the cross.

    Today I was healed from something I didn’t believe was still festering until He ‘brought it up’. God took the most beautiful gift He could give me and attached something painful to it. So for the rest of my life they are connected.

    When I asked Him why, part of the response was, “I want you to pray for this person the rest of your life. I want you to see his infinite value as imperfect as he is. I want you to see Me in him. You saw how I can use broken vessels for the glory of My kingdom. ... your spiritual growth, your bring you closer to Me...”. It's amazing how He squeezes every drop of good out of everything, good, bad and ugly included.

    Have a beautiful, blessed and merciful, Divine Mercy Sunday, Father


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