Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lk 11: 27-28 Blessed Is The Womb

Lk 11: 27-28 Blessed Is The Womb

(Click here for readings)

While Jesus was speaking, a woman from the crowd called out and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you nursed.” He replied, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.”

The Universe does not just exist, it expands. It expands because it respects; it respects the laws that govern it; indeed, the same laws that created it.

I do not just exist, I grow. Fidelity helps me to grow. When I am faithful to the word of God, I grow. When I am not, I do not grow. To be faithful means to respect the laws that govern me – the same laws that created me. When I am faithful, I grow straight and strong. Otherwise, at best, I get stuck. At worst I begin to shrink.

I do not just live, I give witness. When I witness to the truth, I help others to grow. When I do not, I cause them to decay. There is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman, except a consecrated woman. Both give witness to life. Both give witness to love. Both give witness to hearing the word of God and observing it.

Fidelity always bears fruit; it helps us all to grow. When I go to Mass and receive the Eucharist, I give witness to God and to others that it can be done. When I go to Mass and bear witness (by crossing my arms) that I cannot receive the Eucharist in a worthily manner, I give witness to God and to others that it can be done - I can be meek and humble of heart. Both individuals are beautiful because both are faithful, and since both are faithful, both help us to grow.

Was this woman’s outburst a cry for recognition of the woman that made it all possible? Or was it an outburst for recognition of the daily sacrifices that a woman makes for her children, especially when they are young? What was it? Of course, it was both. A mother is not just someone who gives birth; she is one who helps us to grow on a daily basis.

Blessed are the women who bear children. There is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman, for she carries within her the gift of life. Blessed is beautiful Mary, for she carried within her the Giver of Life.

The Universe came about by an explosion that united energy with love; design with purpose; time with eternity. The Beloved came into the world by an explosion that united Love (Holy Spirit) with His bride; God with man; heaven with earth. We came into the world by an explosion that united husband to wife; meaning to life; friendship to fidelity.

“Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” I love to look at people and the stars. They help me to put everything (things) in perspective and together. Blessed are they who can see a woman’s womb as a mini-universe; man as a mini-giant; millenniums as brief moments in time; our life as a star that shines brightest in the night. Blessed are they who love God and can observe and collect Him through a prism of light and a starry night.