Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jn 6:37-40 All Souls Day

Jn 6:37-40 All Souls Day

(Click here for readings)

“I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me.”

Over the years I have heard over and over again, and by so many people, the following claims: “Today I have decided to change my life. I will not fail. This time, I will become a different man, a new man, a holy man! I have decided enough is enough. I will not fall into sin. This time, I will follow the commandments. I will not fail.”

Or, “Father, I feel so close to the Lord today. I know that He loves me more than ever.”

Or, “I no longer feel an urge to hurt myself. It’s gone! It’s a miracle! I will never go back to my old ways.”

Or, “I have decided to pray every morning and every night. I will give the Lord the time that he deserves. Every time I stop praying, I already know what will happen: I will sin again. I will hate myself and I will hate those who love me the most.”

Not only have I heard this before, but I have experienced it myself! What happens next is what makes all the difference in the world and in Heaven!

Yesterday was All Saints Day. Today is All Souls Day. The difference between the “saint” and the “soul” was their consistency in war - a war of many battles and on many fronts and till death!

The Saint never surrenders, regardless of their wounds. The Soul too often does, even when it is a nick wound. If I wish to be a saint, then I must ready myself to being consistent! I must respond to God’s grace consistently, positively, and unconditionally. This means, I cannot allow my emotions to run my life. I cannot allow my feelings to get the better part of me. If I want to be a holy, then I cannot solely follow or trust my instincts, my desires, my feelings or my emotions. Nor can I allow “the times”, “the fashions” “the storms” or “the current” to sweep me away. I must give the benefit of the doubt to the Lord. I must allow Him to pick me up and sweep me off my feet. I must follow Him, and follow Him His Way.

Did I come to earth to do His Will or my Will? Did I come into existence by my own hands or by His hands? Am I the owner of my life or His administrator? Does my life belong to me or does it belong to Him? Choose well. Choose now. And don’t look back. Be consistent!

To be one with the Lord - in my thoughts, words and actions - I must fall in love with the person of Jesus Christ, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part! I must commit to loving and honoring the Lord all the days of my life! Earthly marriage is an image of heavenly marriage, and regardless of good times or bad times, both are not meant to be broken!

But here lies the problem. When things go great, I take it for granted and stop being vigilant. When things do not go great, I blame it on my spouse. When things go awful, I want to get away! The Souls were not consistent at all except in being inconsistent. They rode the rollercoaster all their life. They never got off it. And in the end, they got sick – really sick!

Consistency is like a ski lift. It is God that does most of the work. Don’t get off too early. Don’t jump. Don’t worry about the storm up ahead. Don’t worry about the storm you’re in! Just keep going and going and going till you get to the end and to the top.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, though the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.