Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mk 16:9-15 Demons Away!

Mk 16:9-15 Demons Away!

(Click here for readings)

When Jesus had risen, early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons.

Yesterday, a comment was left on a Catholic blog site that made reference to a Pro-Life victory. It read, “The week ended on a very good note when another important pro-life bill to keep abortion providers and promoters out of public and charter schools was signed by Governor Brewer (Arizona). The bill was initiated by the Arizona Catholic Conference in an effort to continue Arizona’s longstanding policy of favoring childbirth over abortion.”

Imagine for a moment an abortion provider speaking to a large number of middle school or high school students and indoctrinating them in the benefits of fetal disposal. Would it be too unimaginable if a child stood up and spoke out, saying something to the effect: “My mom was having doubts about not having me. Someone like you would have encouraged her not to. You have no place here. As you can see, we all made it through your web, but too many of our peers did not.”

Yesterday, the documentary “Bully” went into general release. Ellen Ratner, a Fox news contributor, wrote an opinion regarding it. She states that this film is a reminder that it is time to restore our humanity. Is that the solution to our problem??? If so, it ain’t working! What exactly does it mean “to restore our humanity”? After all, only humans (or the human race) bully, discriminate, engage in global war, and commit crimes and atrocities on one another. I think it’s time that we stop hiding our human weaknesses with some sort of wishy-washy generic call to “humanity!” It’s also time to stop blaming animals for our weaknesses.

During Lent, while I was praying the Stations of the Cross with the kids from St. Monica, I reflected on a written meditation by some expert at one of the stations. It went something like this: “Sometimes people can act like animals. They can say mean things about someone because of the color of their skin. They can treat others unkindly.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! I had to say something. I told the kids, “Do animals treat others differently because of the color of their skin? No. Do they make fun of others because they are short or tall or have a big nose or four eyes? No. So, why in the world are we saying that people can ‘act like animals’???” I know why. And the answer is sickening. It’s so we can keep Christ out of the world. It’s so we can deny Christianity its pivotal place in society. Christians do not act like animals nor do they act like human. They are to act like Jesus Christ. And if a Christian does not act like Jesus Christ, then it means that they are a “bad” Christian. And if you ever run into a “humanist” that acts like Jesus Christ, then he is acting like a Christian. But there are plenty of humanists that would consider Christianity as weakness and cowardice. After all, did not the great god of Mother Nature consider “survival-of-the-fittest” something to be proud of? Does it not make our race purer, healthier, and stronger?

Being more human will never solve problems such as intolerance or indifference; but being more Christian will! The day will come when we become more tolerant of the Risen Lord and on that day we will see the fall of all forms of injustice. This day the Lord has already made, in the life of His Son and in the lives of His Saints! We can all look forward to this day, when another’s life is more valuable than one’s very own; when we exchange seven very human qualities: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride for seven very heavenly qualities: chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility. Of course we can blame these things on the devil (and we should), but the devil did not find a welcoming home among the animals. He found it among the humans. But when it came to the child Jesus, I do not need to remind anyone that there was no place for Him. The day of Christ’s resurrection is the day the Lord has made. The day of his crucifixion is the day we have made. Both days are good for we now have a clear understanding of who the Lord is and who we are.

Let’s make some space. The Apostles did. They understood that they must be obedient to God rather than to men (cf. Acts 4:20-21).

“This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it.”


  1. Great insight Father into the true nature of humankind. I really enjoy reading your thoughts every day!

  2. You inspire me every time I read your mediation Father.
    God Bless to you Father Alfonse:)


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