Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mk 16:15-20  Go The Way.  Not Away.
(Click here for readings)
Jesus appeared to the Eleven and said to them:  “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.  These signs will accompany those who believe:  in my name you will drive out demons, they will speak new languages.  They will pick up serpents with their hands, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them.  They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
There isn’t a “this way” or “that way”.  There is only “The Way” that does not go away but goes out of His way and in all directions.
Go and proclaim the Gospel.  Everybody has something to share.  What do you have to share?  The Gospel is not something that is read.  The Gospel is something that is lived.  So, it is not something but rather someone:  Jesus Christ.  Go into the whole world and proclaim me to everyone.”    
But is that enough?  Yes and no.  Yes, Jesus our Lord is enough.  What he said is more than enough.  What he did is more than enough.  But it is also not enough.  There is still something (or rather someone) missing.  And that is YOU.  He must have you.  He will not rest until he has you.  He died for all.  He wants to save all.  And those who truly believe will do amazing things.
Drive out demons.  Those who believe will drive out demons.  “Peace be with you.  My peace I give to you.”  Those who accept Jesus entomb the devil.  They give him no chance to put his ugly hands or feet or tongue in this world.  The devil cannot enter our world unless he enters through us.  He has no tongue to speak his ugly words.  He has no hands to hurt us.  He has no feet to stalk us.  Christians are the front line in the defense and offense of the human race.  We stand between the devil destroying our world and the world destroying itself.  We stand alone.  Religions are not the same.  People do not think alike.  Christianity is insanely different.  Love of neighbor is sanely boring.  Love of enemy is insanely exciting.  Oh, the possibilities if we would just be who we claim to be.  The Lord invites us to work on it; to leave the comfort of our neighborhood and to go throughout the world, baptizing in His name.  We know it works because others have gone before us.  You can go just about anywhere in the world and find a Church.  You can go just about anywhere in the world and find a Christian community.  Now, the Lord asks us to go to work and make disciples in His name.  Spread the wealth.  Spread the truth.  Spread his peace; his joy.
Pick up serpents.  Don’t be foolish to think that the Lord meant this in a literal way.  Of course not!  That would be too small.  The Lord invites us to do what Moses did; to do what he did.  He picked up the ancient serpent and held it over his head in victory.  Moses did it with a bronze serpent.  Jesus did it with a piece of wood.  Go!  Pick up the ancient serpent by swallowing your pride.  Place him above your head and declare victory.  The last is first.  The greatest is the servant (The Master is the Minister).  St. Peter the rock tells us, “Beloved:  Clothe yourself with humility in your dealings with one another, for: ‘God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble.’  So humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exult you in due time” (1Pt 5:5b-6).
Before Christ’s resurrection, the Lord told his followers, “Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened, ask and you shall receive.”  Now, after His resurrection, he is talking to them as if they were graduates.  Today, like yesteryear, he tells us to seek and love, knock and surprise, ask and deliver.  


  1. Happy Feast Day of St. Mark! I love the Ascension passage. Terrific visualization when praying the rosary.

    One thing that comes to mind when I think about going into the world to "proclaim the Gospel" is stewardship. How can I use my time, talent and treasure for the good of my parish? How can I be a champion for social justice and pro-life issues? How can I effectively represent myself as a Sister of Christ and be a Christian role model for others?

    Driving out demons is a struggle. Even though I believe in Jesus and want to follow his ways, it doesn't mean the Devil isn't there to annoy, coax, and manipulate. The Holy Spirit guides, but am I willing to listen? Or am I so steeped in my own pride/vanity/sensuality (the Devil's playthings) to temporarily reject the heavenly for the carnal?

    Keep knock, knock, knocking at Christ's door. Keep seeking, asking, repenting. Keep my head high towards heaven, above Moses' bronze serpent.
    Love and cherish those around me. Enjoy those little "surprises" that keep Christianity alive!



  2. "Those who accept Jesus entomb the devil. They give him no chance to put his ugly hands or feet or tongue in this world. The devil cannot enter our world unless he enters through us. He has no tongue to speak his ugly words. He has no hands to hurt us. He has no feet to stalk us."

    This is a beautiful sentiment, but it can be deceiving.

    I don't believe we can get away from allowing the devil into the world if we are human. The devil comes in through sin, right? And we all sin, so there he is.

    I have recently had some serious confrontations with demons and I have to say that we can be vessels for them unbeknownst to us through different 'portals'that we may not have had control over at the time of their entry.

    And they can 'lay low' for decades as they influence us 'from within'. Yes we do still have control, but they can make it very difficult because they know us so well. They know our weaknesses and they know how, where and when to hit us and they do not relent.

    If they have been with you your entire life or most of it, you may not even know what life would be like without them. I didn't.

    Even though they did not control me, it is amazing how much control they had, control that I gave them not knowing what I was doing. They can be very convincing. They can make you doubt the nose on your face, especially when they've been working in your head for decades.

    It is true the devil has to enter the world through us, but he can do it while we are unaware and he does it that way best with those who believe and love Jesus.

    My point? Just because we love Jesus and believe in Him, accept the Church and all she teaches, follow the commandments to the best of our ability, go to confession frequently and to mass and receive the Eucharist every day does not immunize us from being a 'victim' or 'tool' for the demons to use.

    That can be a little scary if we are not grounded in the power of Jesus, who can blow them off their feet, but we have to give the power to Jesus and cooperate with Him. When we do and he delivers us and the inner chaos settles, we can then stand on the front line between the devil and our world doing battle. Otherwise we may just be a double agent.

    And if you find yourself wondering 'what's in there with you and the Holy Spirit'? The best thing to do is increase the 'real estate' the Holy Spirit occupies and the space for the 'evil' ones will diminish until they have to show themselves and God will vanquish them to whence they came.

    And if you find it's just you and Jesus, even better! You only have to fight the ones outside the fort!

    OK, maybe I got a little off subject, but my overall point is that this is REAL spiritual warfare, it is REAL warfare, as real as anything we can see. And the good news is that we can be the hands and feet and tongue of the devil or of Jesus. We just have to be very alert and diligent to make informed decisions.

    May God Bless you and
    may the force (of God) be with you!


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