Friday, June 29, 2012

Mt 16:13-19 Who Is Truly True?

Mt 16:13-19  Who Is Truly True?
Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
I heard on FOXNEWS that a chocolate a day helps keep the doctor away (I’m not sure about the dentist). That’s a new twist in an already twisted medical world, and in our ever growing twist to just about everything. 
It seems as though wisdom is an annual thing.  That is, this year something is good, the next year it is bad.  Save your breath in telling me that we are constantly evolving because we are constantly learning.  I would have believed that years ago, but it seems to me the more we learn, the more we go around in a circle.
A while back I was told by my doctor that there were two types of cholesterol:  good and bad.  Now, I’ve been told that the “good” cholesterol is not really good, and the “bad” cholesterol is really bad.  That was really bad news for me because I just about drank a pint of olive oil every day!  I thought it was good for me, now I find out it was good for the doctors.
What’s truly true? 
I recently read an incredible quote from an incredible actor:  Charlie Sheen.  Yes, the madman from last summer appears to have recovered from his madness.  I was stunned at what he said.  I am so proud of what he said.  He hit the nail on the head!  I couldn’t believe.  I never even expected it.  And worse, I was envious of him of what he said because I had not said it first.  After nearly thirty years in Hollywood, he’s leaving.  He’s calling it quits.  He’ll be leaving, moving on in his life to spend more time with his kids.  The kid actor has finally grown up.  What did he say that was so remarkable and true?  He said…“I’m leaving Hollywood.  I’m sick and tired of worshiping fiction.” 
WOW!!!  Doesn’t that give you goose bumps?  I really wish I had said this first.  But I guess it took someone who had spent their childhood and adult life in it to have said it.
“I’m sick and tired of worshipping fiction.”  Yes, I’m very proud of Charlie Sheen.  He gets it.  He knows the truth.  Hollywood and all its movies, and all its actors, and props, and star-studded galas and performances, are nothing more than fiction.  And millions of people across our nation worship this fiction on a daily basis.  The teens have their recent idols.  The adults have their past idols.  The world has its false and fallen idols.
What’s truly true?  Jesus Christ!  What’s not truly true?  Everything else. 
It’s important that we learn this; otherwise, we set ourselves up for a huge let down, just like we’ve been doing in a very circular way.
What I’m about to say should not shock you.  But every person is not who they claim to be.  We all have a tendency to hide our darker side.  Every politician is not who they claim to be.  We have Republicans disguised as Democrats, and vice-versa.  And if you place your trust in a politician like you place your trust in God, you will ultimately be disappointed.  The same is true for judges.  If you think every judge judges wisely (or even fairly) in every case, then you are a fool.  If you think a judge sets aside his political ideas when deciding on a case you fool yourself.  Do you think that news reporters really cover just “the news”?  Think again, please! 
The irony of it all is that the best politicians are the least political.  The best judges are the most juridical.   The best news reporters are the eye-witnesses.    
What about the saints?  Were they really not sinners?  Yes.  And that’s what makes them saints!  Only sinners can become saints, for only sinners need a Savior.  And what makes a sinner a saint is that they are the first to acknowledge this reality.  To be a Christian means to admit a fall; an insult; to be the first to raise your hand and say, “I did it.  I’m so sorry.”    
In Christ’s world, to admit your mistake (and regret it) can actually make you great and appreciate your mistake!
Jesus is not a Saint.  Jesus is God.  And the reason why He is God is because he is truly true; the great I AM:  “I am who I am”. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in me”, says the Lord (cf. Jn 14:1).  Our faith in God removes all doubt in Him and places it back on everyone else.  It liberates me to ask an important question to myself and to my neighbor: If Jesus is Lord, then who am I…and who are you?  The answer will either be true or false. 
Every time someone asks you who you are, be honest.  Tell them the good, the bad and the ugly.  Tell them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  If you do so, you will be truly free; you will know what it means to be truly true.  Confession is a great way to do this.  It’s the place where you can be true to yourself and get to know who God truly is:  LOVE.


  1. Ive been so worried about this very thing for my own sake, father.

    I agree with everything you said, but I also know that sometimes I expect myself to be perfect, and when I sin it is the end of the world. It is so silly, because God is so forgiving, and one of the greatest sins we can do is condemn ourselves.

    Great post!

    - erica

  2. Very surprising Charlie Sheen would say anything so profound. I would not be envious at all, Father! You say words "first" which are a lot more thought-provoking. Your "wow" factors are what keep so many of us reading your blog every day. :)

    After I read this post, I paid a visit to Confession!!! I'd been putting it off for the past month. It's interesting how my entire mood and disposition changes after I've made a good confession. All of the burden is lifted, and I feel rejuvenated. It's difficult to maintain this though. I'm not shy to honestly reveal my true self to others.. However, it can be socially awkward at times. I've learned not to reveal too much in a work or social situation. I'd prefer for my goodness to outshine the bad. I think regular confession definitely helps fight off those inner demons that tend to bring out the bad girl in me.

    Thank-you for a great post!



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