Monday, June 11, 2012

Mt 5:1-12 Sky Is Not The Limit

Mt 5:1-12  Sky Is Not The Limit
When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him.  He began to teach them, saying:  “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.” 
I just finished talking to a group of children doing Vacation Bible School at St. Monica.  This year’s theme is:  “SKY” – Everything is possible with God. 
Sky’s the limit.     Not really and not true.  And those who teach it - our teachers, our parents, our mentors - are wrong in saying it. All Christians should know this and all Christians should avoid it.   What’s so wrong about this is exactly what makes Christianity so special: The Beatitudes. 
Christians make all things possible because they bring God to all possible things.  The Lord spoke in paradoxes for a reason:  to teach others that the sky is not the limit; that is; our vision is not His vision; our heights are not His heights; our lives are not our lives; our destiny is not our destiny.  Jesus gave the world His Word; he gave the world the Beatitudes, and then showed us The Way to put it all into practice.   
Unfortunately, too many people live very boring lives because they were taught and told to believe that the sky’s the limit.  They were taught to think, speak and live in non-paradoxical ways.  For example: We were all taught that if you want to win a race, then you must come in first place.  But the early Christians were taught that you can still win a race by coming in last place.  That’s not boring!  Now I know what you are asking: “How do you do that?”  If you don’t know, then check out my meditation, “Missing Link”.  That’s just one example of how to lose a race and win.  There are many other ways to do it, as many as there a people.  How many ways are there to Heaven?  As many as there are people!
The sky is not the limit, but we must stay within the limits.  To live The Beatitudes requires that we live The Commandments.  If you wish to be great, then you must remain small.  Here is another paradox.  If you wish to reach the highest heights, then you must stay within your limits.  If you wish to love man, then you must first love God.  Otherwise, we will see what we have always seen:  WAR. 
In Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.  In the Acts of the Apostles, we read how the disciples of the Lord were first called Christians.  Notice something?  They did not call themselves Christians.  Instead, it was the non-Christians that called them Christians.  It’s one thing when you call yourself a Christian.  It’s another thing when people say, “You’re a Christian.”  Do you see the difference?  What do people call you?  Would they even know that you are a Christian?
The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.  Have you revealed yourself to your neighbors, to your boss, to your family?  Have you revealed His saving power?  Have you invited someone to Church?  Have you invited someone to go to Confession with you?  The Lord has commanded his disciples to “go, and teach all nations.” 
Why limit yourself with the title of “volunteer” or “helper”.  How boring.  What about something not so secular, something different, something not so sterile, or lukewarm, or boring.  Why not something more radical, more thrilling and exciting?  Why not a little bit of persecution or insult or injury upon injury?  “Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, for your rewards will be great in heaven.  Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.  Thus they persecuted me before you.” 
To be a Christian means to be another Christ.
The earth, the sky, the solar system, the universe, the win, the raise, the bonus, the marriage, the family, the title, the awards, the achievements are not the limit. 
Being a Christian is.


  1. Father – I’m very mentally challenged by today's meditation. I don’t know if I agree with your thinking.

    I always thought of the words "the sky's the limit" as a motivational phrase to encourage our children and young people to live up to their potential and to be all they can be. This can mean living out Christianity to an infinite goodness, following the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments. Maybe some people do try to imitate Christ’s vision or wish to strive to His divine heights. (I think of the calculus “limit to infinity” mathematical concept – not ever reaching a finite number.) Now you are saying the sky is not the limit? You are saying we are all wrong in teaching “the sky is the limit”? I guess if you think of the sky as the “limit to a fixed point or convergence” mathematical term then, yes, the “sky is not a limit.” (Oh my goodness, am I making any sense? Sorry if I’m confusing.) Or, are you thinking of the sky in relationship to heaven where the sky only goes so far through the galaxy but heaven is all encompassing? “Heaven’s the limit” instead of “the sky’s the limit”?!

    I have a scenario floating in my head right now: There’s the earth, the sky, and heaven. All of us here on earth are boring creatures living non-paradoxical boring lives. We are told to reach our greatest potential through the “sky’s the limit” concept by becoming highly educated, wealthy, powerful, and successful. All of these material possessions and temporal wants are limited, unfulfilling, and go against what being a Christian is all about. If we strive to reach the “heavenly limit” then we can enjoy the paradoxes of life. We can imitate Jesus in his teachings. We can follow the Beatitudes and not be afraid to go teach to the nations.

    (I’m so confused!)


  2. Jennifer,
    You are thinking too hard, trying to figure it all out. Chill, you are not meant to know it all.

    Personally, I have come to love the word mystery. Trying to figure it all out and make sense of it and put all the pieces together generally made me crazy and wasted time.

  3. Description of using paradox as a teaching strategy to reflect on social reality. The same principles have been applied for today's reflection of what we believe to be supernatural realities. Not everything is to be taken literally/at face value.

    1. Dear Anonymous 2,

      Thank-you for sharing this link. Puts this meditation in a better perspective. I appreciate the resource.

      Yes, I'm a deep, hard thinker. Is this a personality flaw? Is this something I should be criticized for? I know I'm not meant to know it all. I appreciate comments like this than the ones that personally judge and fault-find.



  4. I thought of two things when I read today's a Christian lifestyle there should be limits. The sky isn't the limit, the teachings of the Church are. By saying the sky is the limit, you are telling someone to go, do it all. The sky is the limit with in the limits of the teachings of the Church, human respect, morality, and justice. Also, there are soooooo many false limits in life, take it from a high schooler! The sky is the limit might not refer only to success. Think of the runner, she wasn't "successful," she didn't win the race. That could put a whole new twist on things, I mean, when I heard someone say " the sky is the limit," I always thought in terms of education or personal gain. But, we ARE limited in material gain, what a person should work for is holiness. Cool stuff!!


  5. Jennifer
    I don't believe it's a flaw.
    I don't see criticism in that comment.

    I am sharing a lesson Ive recently learned. I spent too much time trying to figure out things that either didn't have answers this side of heaven or that really don't matter. The dark side would rather you spend your time in areas that take your gaze off God and make you believe you are seeking Him.

    The Devil is in the details.

    God Bless and please be more gentle on yourself


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