Monday, August 6, 2012

Mk 9:2-10 The Goal of Transformation

Mk 9:2-10  The Goal of Transformation
Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother John, and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves.  And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white.
The Apostles received, in the Lord’s transfiguration, a sneak preview of who Christ is and always will be:  the Son of God.  We too can expect something similar to this when we finally are who we were always meant to be:  an image and likeness of God.
We go to great lengths and take great care of our physical well being.  But like it or not, our physical well being is well connected to our spiritual well being.  A life of sin takes a heavy toll on the human body as much as a life of grace lifts the burdens off of many.   It is time we work on both. 
Most medical doctors do not think like social engineers.   They don’t tempt us, every time we go into their office, to add two additional arms or legs.  Why not?  After all, wouldn’t four hands be better than two?  Wouldn’t four arms make us more efficient?  I think so.  Think about it mom, imagine all the things you could juggle if you had four arms and four hands!  That’s twenty fingers!!!  No, most medical doctors will not go inside the human body unless it is absolutely necessary.  They won’t break a limb to make it a stronger limb.  They won’t replace a normal limb with a bionic limb unless it is absolutely necessary.  They won’t change a thing, unless it is killing the patient.
Thank God many medical doctors do not think like social engineers.  Most medical doctors tend to agree that the original design may not be the best design, or even the most efficient design, but it is the most authentic design; the one that best identifies with who we are and what we need.
But social engineers do not think like that.  They think they can do better.  They think children living with one mother and one father is old school or “the old normal”.  Now NBC is helping to spear head a new concept through a television series entitled, “The New Normal”.  Starting this Fall, we will be told by actors and actresses, in well rehearsed scripts, of what “The New Normal” looks like, lives and feels like.  I won’t go into all the details.  But I can tell you it is absolutely fictional. 
I love how the media works overtime and in overdrive to normalize dysfunction.  We first get a glimpse of it through TV, through actors and through scripts.  Most scripts tend to idealize the sick dreams of their sick creators.  Most sick directors tend to make certain sick characters appear healthy in their life choices and styles.  This type of social engineering reminds me of the sad disadvantage most of our students face when they leave our politically correct and lame schools.  They are shocked beyond consolation when their boss (teacher) tells them for the first time in their life that their work was late (tardy); that it was trash (not “their best effort”), that their presentation was pathetic (no participation certificate given this time), and that they will no longer be with the company (that they didn’t get a free pass to the next grade). 
The New Normal may appear normal on TV, but in real life, it will have devastating consequences on children and American society.  If we thought our schools were already collapsing, our children were already suffering and our marriages were already failing…wait and see what the social engineers will give to us next.         
The Lord appeared transfigured before His men.  He did not appear better than before; he did not appear more improved than before; He appeared authentically.
Before we try something new, let’s work in a state of grace.  Before we try replacing what we broke, let’s fix what we broke.  Before we do anything new, let’s fix the problem.  The goal in life is not to be better than before, stronger than before or even more efficient than before.  The goal in life is to be authentic:  an image and likeness of our Creator.


  1. Right there along with the show "Modern Family", my household will not be watching this show either. It does nothing but desensitize us to what is truly normal. Lord have mercy.......

  2. The goal of Transformation: The goal in life is to be authentic: an image and likeness of our Creator.
    Transformation to me means more than being authentic: I get your point – being authentic is a huge achievement, but I think in general it comes with age, maturity. But transformation into another Christ requires that I get out of His way. Jesus does everything, everything!! I just have to become empty, nothing, no ego (or very little at all). That is when Christ will shine through me: when I become transparent, like Mary. Someone told me,”It is when we begin to surrender our security and identity that we can begin to see Christ in us.” This reminds me of Teresa of Avila’s first three mansions of her ‘Interior Castle’. But it seems that I don’t have to ‘think’ about surrendering these attachments, I just have to busy myself with loving the person in front me in every present moment: that is when I am losing what I want and loving Jesus in that person. Loving with intention. By loving, I slowly release my attachments - even the attachments I am not conscious that I have. I trust Jesus is doing the hard part.

  3. amen!! thank you for this beautiful blog father!!


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