Monday, August 13, 2012

Mt 17:14-20 Fire and Water

Mt 17:14-20  Fire and Water

A man came up to Jesus and said, “Lord, have pity on my son, who is a lunatic and suffers severely; often he falls into fire, and often into water.”

A lunatic.  What better way to describe a sinner.  A sinner is not someone who has fallen from God’s grace; the sinner is someone who has elevated his reason to the height of disgrace.  Like the lunatic, he believes way too much in himself. 
Recently, we have seen plenty of cases of reasonable “lunatics” in the news.  About a month ago we saw one in Colorado.  Less than two weeks ago, we saw another in Wisconsin.  But there are many more lunatics out there that we dare not speak of, for their lunacy has become a part of our society.  For example: The abortionists; who care so much for the women, that they cannot care at all for their children, and in a single day can end the life of a dozen young souls.  The animalists: who elevate the dignity of every-single-conceivable-living being except the human being.  The pacifists:  who will excuse the terrorist but not the soldier. The liberal politicians: who believe human rights come from the government and not from God or nature.  In fact, they never define human rights because they are too busy redefining human rights. 
I could go on and on, and I will.
The music/Hollywood artists:  who inspire millions to “go for it” but only end up “falling for it”.   [Most kids would be shocked if they only knew that David Bowe, Lady Gaga, Madonna and Janet Jackson did what they did not because they believed in it but because they could make a living out of it].  The fashion designers: who take no responsibility for teen abuse but alone have inspired millions of children to be immodest with their bodies and starve their bodies.  Not only do their clothes cost a fortune, but the therapy required to heal their victims is outrageous!  The atheists:  who seek the benefits of a Godless society while ignoring the results of a Godless society.  They ignore their handiwork just like they ignore God’s handiwork.   
Often he falls into fire, and often into water.    Lunatics are caring and careless; hot and cold.  You may even say the lunatic is constantly in hot water!  Like the lunatic, the sinner knows what he is doing.  He may be sick, but he’s not sick enough.  He may throw himself into the fire but he always ends up in the water.  Yes, the lunatic loves to play with sin because it is interesting; it sparks curiosity.  Sin, like fire, is sensational, thrilling and exciting.  When the sinner gets too close to the fire and burns himself, then he can always jump into the lake of saving grace. 
O faithless and perverse generation, how long will I be with you?  Why do we have the problems we have today?  Why do we continue with as many problems as before, but with a much more expensive twist to them?  The Lord’s answer holds true today:  Because of our little faith. 
Christianity is the remedy for all the world’s problems because Christ is the answer to all our problems.  The Lord is the antidote for the lunatic.  May the Lord grant us the strength and courage to profess our faith as radically as those who undercut it! 
Fire is quenched with water; sin is released by grace; hatred is destroyed with love; pride is baffled by humility; prisoners are freed by forgiveness; lunatics are healed with faith.
“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed…then nothing will be impossible for you.”


  1. Wow Father this meditation was amazing. People always make exsuses for lunatics I just really wish children could read this and understand that these popstars are using our children and how models are starving I just wish instead of children and popstars could stop and put God first and father once again thank you for making such great meditation

    God Bless you Father Alfonse

  2. Amazing Meditation as usual father

  3. "I could go on and on, and I will."...
    - Love it. I actually laughed out loud.

  4. Congrats, Father Alfonse, you've earned a Gold Medal for today's meditation!

    Interesting parallel between the lunatic and the sinner. Sinners are constantly putting out fires. Many of them self-inflicted. It comes to the point where the sin is so deep in the soul that good old H2O won't put it out. Think of the classic grease fire on the stovetop. Nobody would dare put water on top of it. The fire would only spread. Time to get out the dry chemical extinquisher and nip the fire before the house burns down!

    It's easy for us to judge this or that person as a lunatic. A very sad reality in today's society. For example, I have a co-worker who is very pleasant and nice. The only problem is she talks to herself - all day and every day. The endless chattering makes me think of her as a "lunatic." It doesn't help that's she's into palm reading, crystals and new age "healing." I respect her views even though I find them a little loco. Again, it's not my authority to judge her. I think she has a faith in God of some sort. Not the same as a devout Catholic but a "spiritualist" perspective of God.

    Blessings & Peach,


  5. we have seen plenty of cases of reasonable “lunatics” in the news - I just cry about it.
    Like the "lunatics" in Tx that happen in college station

    I ask myself almost everyday "What is our world coming to????

    A very wise and thought out Meditation Father Alfonse !

    God Bless u My Father & Good Night

  6. Very, very nice, Father. Wonderful!

  7. Father

    Although your meditation was great and on the mark as far as our society is concerned, it seems that your definition of lunatic is different than the dictioary. I looked it up because I thought a lunatic is an insane person who CANNOT differentiate between right and wrong, good and bad. That is how the dictionary defines it.

    I believe that much of what is labeled 'insane' is actually demonic influence which usually can be overcome with the grace of God and the cooperation of the individual but sometimes it requires more and sometimes the grace given is to accept andd live with it until God's plan is to free the person.

    I do realize that much of what is labeled insane is a legal term that gets a person off the hook for their behavior.

    I only point this out because true lunacy and demonic possession and obsession are real.

    I believe the examples you shared may and surely do have demonic influence but they are in the realm of being controlled by the individual, unlike true lunacy.

    I imagine some will think I am taking this too literally but I wanted to share information that our society often overlooks.

    There are real lunatics and demonic possessions and obsessions and all of these conditions can make its victim unable to control certain behaviors. And those who are not completely insane or possessed feel shame about their condition.

    This comment is not meant to be an attack or criticism of your meditation or anyone's comment. It is from personal experience.

    I pray that none of your readers ever have a personal encounter with any of these things. As far as the demonic is concerned, it can lead you to the other.

    1. You make good points, Anonymous. Thank-you for sharing.

      I think real demonic possession is a rare phenomenon. Way too many people blame lunacy as something "caused by the devil" when strange actions are the result of psychological problems. An alternative definition of "lunatic" is "a person whose actions and mannerisms are marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness." I think this "eccentricity and recklessness" is seen in the examples Father provided (i.e. abortionists, animalists, pacifists, liberal politicians, etc.)

      It appears "lunatic" and lunacy are subjective terms and follow into the judgment category. Some people may think this person is a lunatic and that other person sane. Catholics may see an atheist or an animalist as a lunatic but then it can turn back around and then Catholics are considered lunatics. I think the point of the meditation is the lunacy of the sinner. All sinners act "crazy" as they sin over and over sucumbing to temptation. This constant playing with fire only gets sinners burned. The refreshing aqua from Jesus Christ can soothe and heal with saving grace.

      Blessings & Peace,


  8. Oh Dear Lord, thank you so much that I am not like these taxcollectors, I mean, lunatics.

  9. jennifer

    I think I understand what you are saying but I have to disagree with your statement that the devil gets blamed for lunacy is exactly the opposite. Our society has all but removed the devil from reality and are too ready to diagnose mental illness and throw pills at it to make it go away. Possession is rare but obsession and oppression are not. They are just ignored because the clergy and the Church dont know what to do about it because the reality of the devil and true evil made the Church look superstitious and old fashioned so they shoved into the dark and forgot about it while many who suffer from it were left to suffer without real hope for relief.

  10. jennifer

    I think I understand what you are saying but I have to disagree with your statement that the devil gets blamed for lunacy is exactly the opposite. Our society has all but removed the devil from reality and are too ready to diagnose mental illness and throw pills at it to make it go away. Possession is rare but obsession and oppression are not. They are just ignored because the clergy and the Church dont know what to do about it because the reality of the devil and true evil made the Church look superstitious and old fashioned so they shoved into the dark and forgot about it while many who suffer from it were left to suffer without real hope for relief.


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