Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lk 4:31-37 Pushing And Pulling

Lk 4:31-37  Pushing And Pulling
Jesus went down to Capernaum, a town of Galilee…In the synagogue there was a man with the spirit of an unclean demon… Jesus rebuked him and said, “Be quiet!  Come out of him!”  Then the demon threw the man down in front of them and came out of him without doing him any harm… News of him spread everywhere in the surrounding region.
This morning I celebrated Mass at St. Monica and Ursuline Academy.  I was surprised to see that most of the smiles on the children’s faces had already vanished.  They haven’t been in school for more than two weeks and already the enthusiasm and joy have dimmed away.
School can be a very violent place.  Teachers can be very violent.  What teachers do to their students is very similar to what people do to doors?  They push and pull at them ALL DAY LONG.
Teachers, like coaches, are constantly pushing, slamming or jamming stuff into children’s brains and then demanding they give it back.  Coaches love to explain new plays and tactics to their players only to challenge them to give it all they got!
But what teachers do is nothing less than what we are expected to do throughout our life.  Our entire live may be summed up as pushing and pulling.  Or, in more familiar words:  giving and receiving. 
This is the meaning of life.  This even explains how we got here.  Doesn't the doctor's tell every mother:  "Push!!!" while he pulled?  This is the reason why we are here, and this is what we do…ALL THE TIME.   Even breathing consists of pulling in and pushing out.  It’s not only to our benefit; it is to the benefit of all.  It is what all living beings do.  Even God does it!  He is constantly giving and receiving. 
Christ came into the world to give himself to the world.  He came to give, to give himself, and he expects us to give back as well. 
At every Mass, we receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of the Lord in the Eucharist.  He gives Himself to us because He expects us to be givers like Himself to others.    This is the only reason why He allows us to receive Him:  for our benefit and for the benefit of others. 
The Lord went to Capernaum to heal a man who was sick; a man who was being tormented by an evil spirit.  What this evil spirit consisted of could have been anything:  a fear, a thought, a past event, a recurring nightmare.  Regardless, this man was living hell on earth.  The Lord came to Him and pulled out of him whatever was in him, and gave him back his life.  In return, word spread like wildfire throughout the region of what the Lord had done.  The healed man was giving to others what he had received.
Why are we here?  Why do we breathe?  This morning a small child wrapped in his mother's arms said, "To be happy!"  Amen to that!  But what makes us happy?  Is it just receiving?  Is it just giving?  The answer is giving and receiving; loving and being lovedIt’s that simple.  It's that remarkable.  And what is even more remarkable is the following:  the deeper you breathe in, the more you breathe out.  When you receive more, you must give more. 
In order to live, we must breathe in and breathe out.  In order to live happily ever after, we must give and receive.  Let’s all take a deep breath today.  Let’s give more than just ourselves.  Let’s give the Lord, the source of all blessings, of all life, of all meaning and purpose, to those around us. 
Get rid of the devil and allow the Lord to come in.


  1. Great meditation today Father. Thank you very much.


  2. Beautiful meditation!

  3. Classic Farside. I love it!

    My son was pushed and pulled, jammed full of information, suffered longer school days, fewer recesses, more homework, allowed only 20 minutes for lunch, reaching burnout by the fourth grade.

    When I was in elementary school, we had two recesses, plus PE, a luhch hour. When you finished your lunch you could go out to the playground. There was very little homework. I came away with a love of learning, a love of reading, and of every subject except for social studies. . . .

  4. Funny cartoon...I can so relate. I was in the gifted & talented program throughout grade school and high school. My brain was so crammed with information I felt like that poor boy in the cartoon - trying to push the door instead of pull! (Brain smart but not always street smart...) The classroom full of nerds and nerdettes was fiercely competitive. If we didn't make a 100 on a test plus the bonus points it was a tragedy. I think I pushed myself more academically than my teachers ever did. I loved to learn and still do to this day! I thank outstanding teachers for giving me an excellent education. (I'm attending my 20 year high school reunion in a couple of weeks. Wow, how the time has flown by....)

    Now that I think back, I wish I had a little more fun on the playground. I was always too busy practicing the violin or studying. If I could only have stopped to take a deep breathe and pray to God thanking him for all of the blessings he'd given me. If only I'd volunteered a little more in my community. Of course, back then I was Protestant and an iffy one at that (Baptist). I didn't feel as close to Our Lord as I do today.

    Oh, how the Eucharist can help people handle the pushes and pulls throughout their every day lives!!


  5. wonderful Mediation, It is better hearing you in Mass instead! :) I LOVE the pulling and push

  6. In order to live, we must breathe in and breathe out. In order to live happily ever after, we must give and receive. - i LOVE THIS PART , it makes so much sense!

    God bless u Father !

  7. what makes me happy?
    what I do everyday for me and my little family(a little embarrassing,the next thing I will say, but it is the truth. Maybe it will make your day) The next time I see u smile at me. LOL....................


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