Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mk 10:17-30 Sell What You Have, Come Follow Me

Mk 10:17-30  Sell What You Have, Come Follow Me
As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  …Jesus answered him, “You know the commandments…”  He replied and said to him, “Teacher, all of these I have observed from my youth.”  Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, “You are lacking in one thing.  Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.”  At that statement his face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
Not too long ago, I was speaking to someone at Toys R’ Us.  They were telling me that board games are becoming a thing of the past.  Very few kids buy them or even ask for them these days.  Instead, electronic counsels and games are hot sellers and cool items. 

But afterwards I asked myself if kids really thought electronic games were better than board games, or if they thought they were a better substitute to an unfortunate reality:  that they only play by themselves; that they never get a chance (or have the time) to play - just play - with their friends or family.       
Today, I spent a lot of time at our Autumn Fair.  I didn’t see a single electronic game or a single sad face among the children.  Why?  Because they were having a ton of fun!
I admit, there was a truck that had every single conceivable electronic game available in it for them.  But I am glad to report to you that while there was light, there was hardly anyone playing.  And I am so glad!   Because our kids, young and old, were having a great time being with their friends and family. 
The activities and food that were at the Fair were pretty much the same games and food I had when I was a child.  A Fair is a Fair and kids are kids who love to be kids as long as they are allowed to be with other kids.  It’s not "what-you-have" that matters, but "who-you-are-with" that counts.
I suspect the rich young man had everything he ever wanted, except for the things that money could never buy.  I wonder if over the years, he had allowed himself to substitute healthy and holy relationships for hard work and possessions.  Maybe he had allowed himself to be defined by others for what he had and what he did, and never for who he was.  And as the rich young man could never imagine for a moment gaining heaven (happy) by having less, neither could he imagine following the Lord by giving up his very own priorities, paradigms, thoughts, work, dreams and aspirations. 
From today’s Gospel passage, it’s clear to see that our possessions have a tendency to keep us away from a real relationship with the Lord, as well as with others. 
The Lord asked this “poor” man a conscience building or conscience busting question:  Do you want your possessions to define your relationship with me?  Do you want your thoughts, dreams and aspirations to define your will over me?  Or do you prefer to have a real relationship with me, based strictly on who I am and who you are?
We all need fellowship.  We were made for it as well as for the Lord.  A few nights ago, I watched a movie with a family.  It was called, “Pirates:  A Band of Misfits”.  I loved the movie for just one scene.  It was the scene in which Charles Darwin was describing his latest scientific discovery and writing it in his journal.  Suddenly, he stopped writing.  He looked up, looked sad, and proceeded to write, “I will never kiss a woman.”  I laughed!!!  Finally!  A movie screen writer wrote honestly about the very human Charles Darwin.
Man was created for fellowship.  He was not created to hold on to things or to study many things.  He was created to love and be loved.  And although the rich young man knew that something was missing in his life; unfortunately, he couldn’t remember exactly what it was.  He knew his possessions were not enough for eternal life (for God), but he was too afraid to lose them in order to find himself and God. 
Sell what you have, and come follow me.  Why must I sell what I have to follow the Lord?  What’s the connection?  It’s our fellowship in Christ’s life.
The Lord did not want this young man to follow Him and then be “known” or “defined” for his great wealth and possessions.  After all, that's not how the Lord is remembered at all.  Instead, the Lord wanted this young man to be known and defined for his great generosity towards the Father…just like Him; and for tremendous sacrifice for the Father…just like Him; and for giving everything away for heaven’s sake…just like Him. 
The Lord wanted the rich young man to become poor so as to become rich…just like Him.  He wanted him to be defined not by what he had or by what he did, but by how he loved.
So do not allow your possessions to define who you are! 
Summary:  May I never allow my possessions - whether material, psychological or sinful - to define who I am.  I will not allow my possessions to possess me!  I refuse to sell myself to follow others.  Instead, I will sell what I have to follow the Lord and love others. 


  1. Amen! I'm way too attached to electronic gadgets. My gosh I thought I was experiencing withdrawal not having wi-Fi on my Hong Kong flight. I had it on the flight up to JFK where I was texting my friends the whole 3 hours and taking care of work email. Then I'm texting my friend in a NY cab, then in Times Square, and even while eating. Kind of a pitiful sight to be so electronically connected yet he wasn't there in the flesh to experience what I was experiencing. (Manhattan was frigid cold on Friday night...Burr.). Even on the Hong Kong flight we all had our seat tv screens with various movies and electronic games. A few kids played games on their iPads. It would've been a blast to see the kiddos playing old fashioned games at the Autumn fair. I think technology is amazing but it makes it difficult to form solid, personal relationships. A text or email here or there isn't the same as a full out conversation or get-together. I know I've been going overkill with Facebook posting my trip photos and adventures. I'm über excited and want to share that level of energy with others. On the flip side, I'm traveling alone, trying to fill boredom and loneliness.



  2. Love your Meditation Father !

    As well love seeing u out there having fun along with us :) LOL

  3. Very good meditation Fr. Alfonse. God bless you always.

  4. My son, John, the seeker after truth, said to me, "When I see six calls from you while I am at work, I know that no one has died or even gotten sick. Multiple calls can only mean a computer is not functioning."

    Indeed, I went through withdrawal when my computer was down.

    We are pitiful. . . . .

    Jan Nathan

  5. Seeing my teenage kids attached to the computer all day if they are not told to give it a break is my greatest penance. I really miss those days where we have real human connection and have fun playing a board game as a family. Love your meditation Father.

  6. Many blessings to you Father for your wisdom, a true grace of God

  7. Many Blessings to you Father for your wisdom, I admire the gift of God dwelling inside of you to see the light among our dark culture.


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