Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Luke 17:7-10 We Have A Debt To Pay

Luke 17:7-10  We Have A Debt To Pay

Jesus said to the Apostles:  …“When you have done all you have been commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.’”

God. Family. Country.

Not too long ago, I was walking through the parking lot and noticed a young mom parking her car.  When she got out of her car, she had two bags wrapped around her left wrist, a backpack over her right shoulder and a cell phone between her left collarbone and chin.  She went around the car and opened the back door for her child to get out.  He had nothing in his hands.  She walked in front of him and managed to open the door for him.

I was truly amazed!

We have a debt to pay not only to God and our country but also to our parents.

One day, while I was mowing the lawn and my dad was working on the yard, I overheard my neighbor say to my dad, “You must give your son a good allowance.”  I wondered what he would say.  I was shocked when he said, “I do”.  I couldn’t believe it!  I never got money for mowing the lawn!  My dad reminded me, “Well, who cooks for you?  Who washes your clothes?  Who buys your food?” Who?  Who?  Who? 

We have a debt to pay.

This morning, I asked the kids from school: “How many of you turn the lights on in your bedroom?”  They all raised their little hands.  “How many of you pay the electricity bill each month?”  Of course no one raised their hands. 

Kids use the home computer they did not purchase and the Internet they did not pay for.   They drink (and use) water without ever seeing the bill and sleep in the bedroom they take for granted.  If only they could see the sacrifices made (and the bills that are paid) for private school, special tutoring, extracurricular activities, flu shots, dentist visits, doctor’s appointments, emergency room visits, I think they would be embarrassed for complaining so much.

There are so many people and things they take for granted.  And some will actually grow up and say, “No one ever helped me.”

No, we all have a debt to pay. 

When you have done all you have been commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.’

Of course we all need a little bit of motivation once in a while.  It’s worth it to give your children a little reward for his/her efforts in school, the chores they do, and the time they spend with grandparents.  But they should never forget that they have a debt to pay.

I was proud to hear of a young man who, a few years after graduating from college, bought a graduation gift for his parents!  He bought them an all expense paid trip to Italy!  That is amazing.  As children, how many family trips did you go on in which all your expenses were taken care of?  We have a debt to pay.

We should never forget what the Lord has done for us.  We can never forget what our soldiers, our friends and our country have done for us. 

We should never forget what our parents have done for us.  Let’s never forget, especially as they get older.


  1. We should never forget what our parents have done for us. Let’s never forget, especially as they get older. - Yes!so true Father Alfonse and Yes getting older as well,I feel it in my bones LOL!!,but in my heart and soul I feel very youthful LOL :)

    Have a safe and happy Wednesday Father ;)

  2. Thank you for this message "We Have A Debt To Pay". This year I lost my husband, then my brother had a stroke, then my dog died by a wild creature in my backyard. Now my mother is very ill and probably will die this year. Until I read this post, I was doing for her but not with the right love in my heart for all she has done for me. I took care for her with resistance in my heart, as if I must instead of I want to. I felt God had put to much on me in one year, and why? Why? Why? was starting to enter into my thinking. Your post reminded as to the Why, and I thank you for that. I will pray for strength from God to do what is right for her sake, and allow me one more time to be able to be there for someone I love to help them go gently and with love and respect into God's heavenly Kingdom. I will not resist anymore, I will give her my love, my patience, my understanding, and my devotion as she gave to me all of my life. Thank you for reminding me, I must not fail to come through for the one person who always came through for me... I do have a debt to pay, and I needed to hear that....

    1. Your in my prayers.

      Let nothing trouble you,
      let nothing frighten you.
      All things are passing;
      God never changes.
      Patience obtains all things.
      He who possesses God lacks nothing:
      God alone suffices.
      -St, Teresa of Avila

  3. One day, while I was mowing the lawn and my dad was working on the yard, I overheard my neighbor say to my dad, “You must give your son a good allowance.” I wondered what he would say. I was shocked when he said, “I do”. I couldn’t believe it! I never got money for mowing the lawn! My dad reminded me, “Well, who cooks for you? Who washes your clothes? Who buys your food?” Who? Who? Who?

    Your dad sounds tough...But he had a very good point! I live on my own, but if it wasnt for my parents who practically support me completely, I would be on the street. I almost do not deserve to have them. They have given me so much, and I have much to be thankful for! So without them necessarily reminding me of what all they do for me, I am reminded anyway every time my dad fills up my bank account. Its also very humblimg. I would be nowhere without their love and support.

  4. One day, while I was mowing the lawn and my dad was working on the yard, I overheard my neighbor say to my dad, “You must give your son a good allowance.” I wondered what he would say. I was shocked when he said, “I do”. I couldn’t believe it! I never got money for mowing the lawn! My dad reminded me, “Well, who cooks for you? Who washes your clothes? Who buys your food?” Who? Who? Who? - Tough Father, Sorry Katie I sort of disagree. I wish there were more Fathers like his :) It's OK to be a tough parent once in a while. Life is hard and tough!
    God Bless u Father Alfonse :)

    1. Cristina

      I am afraid that you are missing my pointt. Let me make it clear to you. I never declared that tough love or "being" tough was bad and never said that it was not ok! Nor did I say that life wasn't hard or tough. My father has been tough on me alot of times! What good father isn't??? My father is easy to please but hard to satisfy and that was my point. There ARE dads like father's because I have one! He's Italian, and comes off kind of "gruff" or "tough" but has the heart of an Abraham Lincoln.

  5. My father is easy to please but hard to satisfy and that was my point. There ARE dads like father's because I have one! He's Italian, and comes off kind of "gruff" or "tough" but has the heart of an Abraham Lincoln.- Thank you Katie , for clarifying and explaining your point to me :)You are very lucky Katie to have Great Father and him to be the way he is.I wish more Dad's were like yours.

    I hope you and your wonderful Italian family (I love Italian family's,I have 1/3 Italian in me LOL):) have a Blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving


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