Friday, November 16, 2012

Mark 12: 38-44 Stand Erect

Mark 12: 38-44  Stand Erect

Jesus said to his disciples:  “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man; they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage up to the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.  Similarly, as it was in the days of Lot:  they were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building…Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it.”

The Lord is very predictable.  I know that if I follow the Lord in His commandments, then I will see the Lord at the end of my life.  I know that if I place my trust in Him, in His Words and in His promises, then I will never be separated from He who is true Love, true compassion, true understanding and true humanity.

And this is His commandment:  “Let us love one another.  This is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, as you heard from the beginning, in which you should walk” (2Jn 4-9).

Now if I separate myself from Him, then all bets are off.  So beware of counterfeits.  Beware of the many deceivers that are out there.  Beware of anyone “who is ’so progressive’ as not to remain in the teaching of the Christ” (2Jn 8). 

Why did St. John use the word, “progressive”?  Interesting, isn’t it?  When did he write this?  Well, all I can say for sure, is that he wrote it well before these past elections.

Who are the progressives?  They are pseudo-Christians.  They think like they think Jesus thought; they speak like they think Jesus spoke; and they act like they think Jesus lived.  

But it’s even worse than that.  They actually want Jesus to think like they want.  They put their words into His mouth and place Him where He never went.  They want to replace the real Jesus with their own Jesus.  They want Jesus in their own image and likeness and for their own selfish purposes and plans.

For example, if the pseudo-Christians want to promote the homosexual agenda, then they will claim that Jesus was a homosexual.  Why else”, they say, “would St. John write that he was ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’”?   

If they wish to eliminate the vow of celibacy, then they will make the claim that Jesus got married (to Mary Magdalene)…and maybe even divorced her.

If they wish to defend their right to abortion, then they will make the religious claim that it is a decision between them and “their” God, as if the pseudo-Christian’s God is not the giver of all life.

They say all these things because they believe this is true “progress”; that is, true compassion, true understanding and true humanity.  The problem is: it’s not true.  And, not only is it not true, it’s also not new.

Critics of the Lord have always cross dressed into sheep’s clothing.  Critics of the Lord have always been concerned more with themselves than with the truth.  They will even contradict each other to see which lie sticks better.

What’s new is not that they are trying to lie to get what they want.  What’s new is that they are actually succeeding in getting what they want.

“With all my heart I seek you; let me not stray from your commands.  Within my heart I treasure your promise, that I may not sin against you.  Be good to your servant, that I may live and keep your words.  Open my eyes, that I may consider the wonders of your law.”  (Ps 119)

We know what love is.  We know where it begins.  It begins with God.  It begins with me following His commandments. 

We know where love ends.  It ends with the Lord.  It ends with me having lived by His commandments. 

In today’s Gospel, the Lord reminds us that although life may be unpredictable, his critics are not.  They will keep doing what they have always been great at doing:  lying about Him.

Although life may be unpredictable, He is not. The road is not.  We know what we should do.  We know who we should follow.  We know who we should live for, die for, and love. 

The Lord will come, so “stand erect and raise your heads, because your redemption is at hand”.


  1. What is so interesting is that a man would not even consider marrying another man, or woman marrying a woman if Jesus Christ showed up in the flesh and was standing at the altar. God doesn't change, nor does his Word ever change. Only us crazies down here on this earth want to change His teachings to fit our agenda. I stumbled across a pro-gay marriage website where they were trying to use scripture to justify gay marriage. They quoted some of the things written in this meditation and also stated that Jesus, in his human nature didn't preach about homosexuality being wrong, and neither did Paul, therefore the Old Laws are no longer relevant. There are many subjects Jesus didn't preach about but are actions hat are flat out nasty. A friend of mine tried to tell me that it's not an obligation to go to church on Sunday because Jesus didn't say we needed to. It's so sad how the Biblical truths get twisted all around to fit our needs. I guess there is a reason why there are thousands of churches in this day and age. I'm scared for the future of the human race. Do whatever we want, yeah, sure. But the consequences will be hell!

  2. We know what love is. We know where it begins. It begins with God. It begins with me following His commandments.

    We know where love ends. It ends with the Lord. It ends with me having lived by His commandments. - I strongly agree Father Alfonse

    And plan to stick with it! and follow his commandments

    Have a beautiful Weekend my Father :)


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