Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mark 3:7-12 Bringing Life To Light

Jesus withdrew toward the seas with his disciples.  A large number of people followed from Galilee and from Judea….He had cured many and, as a result, those who had diseases were pressing upon him to touch him.  And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him and shout, “You are the Son of God.”  He warned them sternly not to make him known.
The Apostles understood that without light there can be no life; that is, without the Son there can be no Sun.  They understood this so well that they dedicated the rest of their lives at bringing lives to the light.
As I was preparing this morning for Mass, I forgot that it was the feast day of St. Francis de Sales.  I ended up wearing the wrong vestments.  What a blessing!  It turned out to be the cause of a great reflection.
“For the law appoints men subject to weakness to be high priests” (Heb. 7:28).  I could tell something was wrong after I kissed the altar and noticed the expressions on people’s faces.   One look at the Sacramentary and I knew what was wrong.  As I re-read the readings, I began to reflect. 
The congregation immediately noticed my error in vestments.  But what they haven't noticed as much is the error of who is wearing them.  Should I, a sinner, be wearing such fine robes and vestments?  Should I be representing Jesus Christ?  Yes, for the law appoints men subject to weakness to be high priests. 
How could anyone represent Jesus Christ?  Only one way:  by His call.
The bride wears white.  Should she?  Isn’t she wearing the wrong color?  After all, not many of them have persevered for this occasion.  So what should she be wearing instead: red or black?  No!  The bride should wear white, for it is a reminder, a beautiful reminder, of the dignity that the Lord wishes to give to each and every one of us.  It is a powerful reminder of what the Lord can do for us.  He can bring life to light. 
Through the intensity and immensity of the Son, all colors turn white.
Due to tremendous pain and suffering, the body can easily become twisted, disfigured and distorted.  But behind this horrific sight lies the Will of God that can make all things alright.  The Lord followed His Father’s Will and ended up getting nailed to a Cross.  But by his example, his courage and his love, He has made straight the lives of billions of souls. 
Through darkness we have seen a great light!
We receive in so many ways.  Even through our errors, we can receive instruction and grace.  For a mistake can be an occasion for prayer; a fault, a moment of silence; a clumsy mistake, a means to a meditation.  The “sinner” can only "be" if they not what they were meant to be.  The "sinner" can only "be" if they are disconnected from an authentic person, and there is only one who is authentic:  “It was fitting that we should have such a high priest:  holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, higher than the heavens” (Heb. 7:26).
This separation is not to degrade us, or belittle us, or even confuse us.  It is to bring life to light; to guide us in the right direction or back to Him.
LEAD, Kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom.  Lead Thou me on!  The night is dark, and I am far from home - Lead Thou me on!  Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see.  The distant scene - one step enough for me. (John Henry Newman)


  1. I am currently working through the mountain of paperwork for application to the diaconate. I cannot tell just how often I think I am sooo not worthy. But it is a great reminder that He called the imperfect. It was once said to me that God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

  2. Father Alfonse,

    It's love when a waiter stands up to a special needs child in the restaurant especially when another family complains about the child. The family that complained has been criticized and the waiter has become a hero.

  3. How did the people know that you were wearing the wrong vestment? That Impressed me. LOL


    1. We have so much to learn, don't we Katie???? Lol!!

    2. Yes! Although I have a cheat sheet. I have the magnificat app on my phone and theres a part in there that lists all the fest days and liturgical days etc. with the vestment colors that go with them. :)


    3. Where have you been Katie to not know something you should know?

    4. I did know. I was wondering about the rest of the world.


    5. Guess you lost out but have known what you should know for quite a while.

  4. It's because they know for a saint that is not a martyr the vestment is white. :)


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