Monday, February 18, 2013

Mt 25:31-46 The Obvious and Forgotten

Jesus said to his disciples:  “Come, you who are blessed by my Father.  Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.”
What I’m about to write may sound very obvious, but as obvious as things may be, they may not be at the forefront of our minds.  For example, the sun is an obvious thing, but we usually don’t give it a thought unless we want to avoid the sun or get a suntan. 
Well, this is what I want to say:  there is a strong relationship between faith and love, and the celebration of Lent offers us a valuable opportunity to meditate on this relationship; the relationship between believing in Jesus Christ and love.
There is no doubt about it:  those who have a strong faith in Jesus Christ have a stronger tendency to show greater love, greater compassion, greater mercy and greater forgiveness towards sinners.  Now I know what you are thinking:  “Father, I know a priest that is mean spirited and is rude to others.”  Well, I do too, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this comment was directed towards me.  But please understand, I’m not saying priests have a stronger tendency to show greater love.  Of course they should, but I’m not saying that.  What I am saying is that those who have a strong faith in Jesus Christ have a stronger tendency to show greater love.  There are plenty of priests, bishops and nuns who are atheists.  Some are even communists!  But what I also know is that those who have a strong faith in Christ have a very strong love for others.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.”
The Christian understands that there is a very tight relationship between faith in Jesus Christ and love of neighbor.  It’s no coincidence that those who love Christ do not believe in abortion (the taking of the life of an innocent person) nor in the death penalty for a hardened criminal.  When those of little-to-no faith visit the prisons, it’s often to do research – to collect scientific data.  For some of them may be more committed to the science of the criminal mind, than to the criminal’s conversion; and far more interested in making the death of the criminal as comfortable and humane as possible, than to any last message he wishes to offer to those he harmed.   
Now there is another relationship that is very obvious but also may have been forgotten over time and during the course of some very bitter arguments and fights, and that is:  love begets love.  The more love you give, the more others will love.  I know this is pretty obvious, but I also know it’s been very much forgotten. 
Resolution:  I will not forget the obvious.  I will share it with others through my words and actions today. 


  1. Thank you Father for this lovely reminder. Remeber the obvious and and do not forget the forgotten.

    You are loved Father. Thank you for serving us.

    Katie G

  2. Father Alfonse,

    I was hungry and you gave me food. A stranger in line with me at the grocery store the other day paid for all my groceries. When asked why he picked me he said God told him it was the right thing to do. I'm in a transition period right now and so what this person did was beautiful and I'm truly greatful for.

  3. Beautiful meditation Father Alfonse - it is extremely obvious how my little family and I love you, as well as your words from your homilies bring joy and inspiration in mine and my babies life's

    The more love you give, the more others will love- I'm totally experiencing love and loving others right now in my life when I meet new people and reunite with family and friends - it is a refreshing experience :)

    There are plenty of priests, bishops and nuns who are atheists - Oh Father I'm so confused. I thought priests, bishops and nuns have sacrificed their life's to become closer to Our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ. Why would this particular priests, bishops and nuns be atheists???? they stop believing in God or Jesus
    God Bless you my Dear Father Alfonse and I pray you have a peaceful night :)

  4. “Father, I know a priest that is mean spirited and is rude to others.”- well !!! no one is prefect :)

    I have met plenty of those kind of Priest during my childhood - LOLl!!!!!

  5. @Cristina

    They stop loving, priests nuns and bishops are humans just like you and me. They also fall from grace. They have the same temptations that we laity do. So if they give in to these things such as sin and temptation, and remain in sin, there is then no love to penetrate. For where does love come from? God, what is God? Love? If you don't have love? You can't live. Atheists live like this. Without true love. They reject it.

    Katie G

  6. Priests and nuns can live their vocation in vain. God forbid. Just like a husband or wife can. We are all part of this struggle to truly give in completely to love and be totally possesed by love, because we are His. He made us in love, to be loved and to give love. Amen

    Katie G

  7. Priests nuns and bishops can live their vocation in vain. God forbid. Just as a husband or wife can. We were made in love, to be loved and to therefore give love to which we have been given. A christian cooperates with this divine plan of love, an atheist does not. Thats the difference.

    Katie G

  8. Thank you ! so much Katie for explaining that to me

    God Bless you my Friend Katie - you are a very wise young lady, I hope my children has the same knowledge and understand about love and Our Lord Jesus Christ as you do:)

    1. @Cristina, thank you for your kind words! God bless you!!

      Katie G


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