Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mt 1:16-24a St. Joseph – the Humble

(Click here for readings)
Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary.  Of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ.
Today is the solemnity of St. Joseph, the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Gospels are silent with regards to any words ever spoken by Joseph.  There must be a reason for it, and it can’t be because he never spoke.  No, it must be because he rarely ever spoke. 
Humble people rarely speak.  They listen A LOT though, that’s for sure!  And although they speak very little and listen a lot, they end up doing a lot. 
I have a feeling that Pope Francis will be known not only as the “Humble Pope” and/or the “People’s Pope”, but also as the “Pope of few words.”  Humility goes hand-in-hand with speaking at the right moment.    
This morning, at 3:30 am, the Pope called home, to Buenos Aires, to the huge crowd gathered in the cathedral's square.  Many of them had stayed up all night to witness his inaugural Mass live, from Rome, on TV.  When they heard the Pope's voice, the crowd went berserk!  They never expected a phone call from the Pope!  He called them to tell them one simple thing:  “My dear friends, thank you for praying, for your prayers, which I need a lot.  I want to ask you a favor that we walk together, that we look after each other…Don’t forget that this bishop, who though far away, cares so much for you.  Pray for me.”
What Pope Francis said does not even begin to compare with what he did!  And although I find it hard to put these sentiments into words, I hope we can all understand exactly what this gesture meant to his people back home.  He has not forgotten us.  He still remembers us.  He still thinks of us.  He still loves us.
But what I find most remarkable about Pope Francis and his inaugural Mass is that it occurred today, on the solemnity of St. Joseph, the humble husband of Mary and father of Jesus, the Son of God.
St. Joseph is the patron saint of all workers and husbands.  The two go together like bread and water. 
What has always been difficult for a husband and a father is that he must often work outside the home.  Don’t get me wrong.  Moms and wives kill themselves for their family everyday, but not to few are blessed to have their children constantly near them.  On the other hand, Dads kill themselves for their family and almost never have their family near them.   This is a sad reality and a difficult concept for small children to understand, especially the sacrifice that is involved in this.
I can still remember vividly a lesson I learned long ago when I went to visit a family for dinner.  I noticed the youngest child playing “house” with her dolls.  I saw that she had a Barbie doll in her hand.  I asked her if she had “Ken” as well.  She nodded and said she did.  I asked her where he was.  She pointed to the corner of the playroom and said, “He’s at work.”

The Blessed Virgin Mary is known for her humility.  We should get to know Joseph’s profound humility as well; for their humility made their marriage successful and their acceptance of God’s plan and love unconditional. 
Humility and obedience go hand-in-hand, for humility means I will trust in the Lord and obedience means I will trust in His ways.
“Humility works.”  That’s for sure.  It prevents a multitude of sins, such as pride, vanity and sensuality.  It covers a multitude of sins, like our faults, weaknesses and falls.  It heals a multitude of sins such as rash judgments, resentment and anger.
Resolution:  Let us always trust in the Lord and in His ways, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I too stayed up late to see the inaugural Mass. It was beautiful and heart warming. You can see that Pope Francis is humble, kind, loving and trusts God our Father with all his heart. He wants to help the poor, Jesus said to be merciful to the poor and you shall receive mercy.

    I believe the times our world is headed for will get much worse before it gets better, if it ever does get better, meaning these very possible are the last days. I pray that all Christians become more merciful to the poor then ever before, for the number of poor is growing all the time. We must learn to live with less in order to share with more, and to do so with a glad heart, a willing heart, a grateful heart, that it is our belief in Jesus and his teachings and his sacrifices that enabled us to become more like him.

    I think many people feel, what can I do, I am just one person, and so they do nothing to help. They think if they give the man/woman with a sign in front of them "will work for food" that they will just spend it on drugs or alcohol. We need to be ready to help, think in advance. Put some $5.00 or $10.00 gift cards in your wallet for McDonnalds or where ever you choose, and hand that out to the person begging for help. Begging is not easy, it takes courage. There for the grace of God go I. We shouldn't judge why or how they got there, all we need to do is help, help when we can, where we can, and how I can. Instead of putting out all your old clothes and household good for a yard sale, in hopes of making a few dollars, try putting a sign on it that says EVERYTHING FREE. Then the truly poor wont have to spend their precious few dollars at the thrift store for a pair of shoes etc. Put out a second sign that says "Pass it forword" when and where you can, GOD BLESS. If your blessed with fruit trees in your back yard, put those out with a sign that says "FREE" please don't take but what you need... You'd be how respectful people are of that request.

    There are just so many ways, hundreds of ways, we can help one another, at little to no cost to us. I believe it bring God great joy to see his children help one another with a true and generous heart. Wanting nothing back for it, wanting no praise, no atta boy, just the peace it brings to secretly know you helped.

    For humility means I will trust in the Lord, and obedience means I will trust in His ways.

    Thank you Father, and I will pray for Pope Francis, for he has asked for it, and only he knows why he needs and wants it.

    Thank you for your meditation, it touched me once again.... <3


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