Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mark 10:32-45 Lording Like Christ

Wednesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time
Jesus said to his disciples:  “You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt.  But it shall not be so among you.  Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.  For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
We all believe in love.  But do we really believe in “its” power?  And how love works best through humility?
The gods of old were known to wield power over their subjects.  They wrecked havoc in each other’s lives and in the lives of their subjects (or slaves).  Their acts were random.  Their will unknown.  Their purpose remained unclear.  Though they were giants they acted just like men, treating people like insects.  They were the protagonists; the people, mere spectators, seated and not very amused.  They became all too familiar and all too boring, for they behaved just like their masters, like men.
On the other hand, Jesus revealed who God is and He is shocking.  God is love.  God is humble.  He is small, like us.  He even became one of us!  This is shocking.  This is important.  It means we are important to Him. 
For African-Americans to win their freedom from slavery, white people had to get involved.  They had to become one with them.  Men had to get involved for women suffrage to take root in America.  They had to vote for them.  For prostitutes to get off the streets at night nuns had to walk the streets at night.  Like customers, they had to go out to meet them face-to-face. 
For sinners to become saints, God had to get involved.  He had to become one of us.  He had to get down and dirty like all of us.  We, Christians, cannot forget where we came from and where our place is.  Our place is among sinners.  Our hearts go out to sinners.  Christians will only exist as long as sin exists.  The devil isn’t a fool.  He’s not trying to eliminate Christians.  He’s trying to eliminate sin; the very idea of sin.  The devil is the anti-Christ.  He made killing God look good, just like he makes killing babies look like it is a good.
We, Christians, must get our hands dirty and get involved in people’s lives.  The devil’s greatest accomplishment (thus far) has been to make it a sin to “share your faith with others.”  His greatest triumph (thus far) has been to keep “your opinions to yourself” and to keep “your rosaries out of her ovaries.” 
Far too many of us have fallen victim to his deceit and to his comforts.   It’s time we march, with the strength of The Light, into the darkness.  It’s time we come face-to-face with our evil past and with sinners.  It’s time we walk, hand-in-hand, with our brothers and sisters and march for God, for life, for truth, for others.
Living like Christ doesn't mean making ourselves out to be better than others.  It means making others feel like they are worth it.  This is how Christ lorded over us. 
Today, our 76-year-old pontiff, Pope Francis, who lost part of a lung during his youth to an infection, braved a brief spring shower to kiss babies and greet thousands of people standing in the rain.  The Holy Father had no umbrella to cover him.  The picture above says it all.  A reporter brilliantly wrote:  "Many, too, will likely see [The Holy Father's] willingness to get soaked as an intriguing act - one that shows the importance of reaching the masses over his own comfort."

“Come to our aid, O God of the universe, look upon us, show us the light of your mercies, and put all the nations in dread of you!  Thus they will know, as we know, that there is no God but you, O Lord” (Sirach 36:1,4).

Check out some interesting articles that helped me in today's meditation.  Click here.

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