Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mt 7:6-14 Slow But Steady

Tuesday of the Twelfth Week In Ordinary Time
Jesus said to his disciples:  “Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and turn and tear you to pieces…Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.”
Have you heard?  The Catholic Church is fast becoming a “museum piece.”  Now that may be true in many parts of the country, but the same can be said of the traditional family, marriage, un-medicated children, safe neighborhoods, manners, and the period of time known as “childhood”.
Yes, many wholesome aspects of society are quickly becoming museum pieces; things of the past.
Given these facts, is there any wonder that religious observance and the number of vocations to the priesthood or religious life would be in decline? No!  After all, a society that produces very few priests is a society that is in desperate need of priests. 
This may sound very obvious, and if it does, then it may very well mean you missed the point, a very logical one at that; namely, fewer numbers of religious people in America is not so much a sign the Church is stumbling, but that family life and elevated culture are tumbling!
Enter through the narrow gate for the gate is wide that leads to destruction.  Our society is bent on breaking!  Everyone is in such a hurry these days to tear down just about everything and build up just about anything.  The gate that leads to destruction has become very narrow due to a tremendous flow of people wanting to get through it, and all at the same time!  No wonder why zombies are so popular these days, we can relate to them! 
Everyone is in a hurry to tear down the most fundamental traditions known to man.  If you’re not for homosexual marriage, then people will tell you to go back to the Middle Ages.  You mean go back fifty years ago? 
Everyone is in such a hurry for the Boy Scouts to accept gay children.  Why the rush?  After all, when did something so confusing become so convincing?  Not too long ago, a comment, from an anonymous writer, declared that “homosexuality is perfectly natural and normal and that study after study has confirmed it.”
Really?  So why did we need to study it in the first place?  When was the last time anyone researched if heterosexuality was perfectly natural and normal?  Oh boy, don’t get me started.
After reading today’s readings, I kept thinking of an AESOP fairy tale I learned long ago.
The Hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never yet been beaten," said he, "when I put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to race with me."
     The Tortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge."
     "That is a good joke," said the Hare; "I could dance round you all the way."
     "Keep your boasting till you've won," answered the Tortoise. "Shall we race?"
     So a course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his contempt for the Tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.
     Then the Tortoise said: "Slow but steady progress wins the race."

The Catholic Church has existed for over two thousand years.  It has seen empires once boastful, crumble.  It has seen nations once powerful, disintegrate.  It has seen enemies once mighty, be brought to their knees.  It has witnessed thousands of people jump ship and jump on bandwagons, only to fall head first on their faces.  It has seen ideologies come and go.  Today’s victories are tomorrow’s horrific defeats.  For every action there is a reaction. 

"Slow but steady progress wins the race."

Parents:  teach your children well.  They don’t need to grow up as fast as they can.  Let them know what happened to you every time you rushed into things.

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  1. Yes ! I remind my baby's almost everyday, " to not grow up too fast, it will be here before you know it " - I love your meditations Father ~! ;)

  2. Pentecost occured the year 33 AD almost 2000 years ago love your message otherwise

  3. If you’re not for homosexual marriage, then people will tell you to go back to the Middle Ages. You mean go back fifty years ago?

    So father, are you for or against? Why?

    homosexuality is perfectly natural and normal and that study after study has confirmed it. When was the last time anyone researched if heterosexuality was perfectly natural and normal?

    I don't think anyone argues whether or not heterosexuality is normal, but research does show that many species do engage in homosexual activity. Both activities are perfectly natural.

    So how exactly does a homosexual couple threaten the entire institution of heterosexual marriage, when at least 50% of heterosexual marriages fail?

  4. I am against homosexual marriage. Why? Because it is a disorder.

    YOU SAY: Research does show that many species do engage in homosexual activity. Both activities are perfectly natural.

    I SAY: "Many species?" Well, other species do not think. We think, and there are many other things that "many species" do that we would find abhorrent. To model the human race to "many species" would be to open a flood gate of interesting behaviors found in these other species.

    First off, I disagree that research has found such things. Data can be used to prove what I want to prove. Would you agree? And the latest scientific research conducted by a professor at the University of Texas in Austin came under fire...guess why? Because his conclusions were contrary to the currents of today. In fact, the professor was threatened, his research was discounted, and his position was nearly terminated UNTIL the University did an independent study and concluded that his research was valid and was scientific (without bias). His conclusion: Children fare worse under homosexual couples.

    2. Natural and Normal? Really? I guess I could agree with you that homosexual attractions are normal and natural if we compare them to addictions. People have addictions, that's normal, correct? And it's natural to us.

    I could even agree with you if we compare homosexual attractions to cancer; that is, it's normal (people get it) and it's natural (we can be born with it or something can make it happen in us, like a carcinogen).

    Now of course, you're going to think of me as being evil for saying such things, just like Justice Antonin Scalia commented on in his dissent). Sorry, but I can make the distinction of loving my neighbor and not necessarily agreeing with them on everything. Can you? I hope so.

  5. Finally, I would like to add that homosexuality is not natural and normal. And if it were, then it should have been found to be natural and normal when man still behaved like an animal (if that were ever the case). But it didn't happen when it should have happened.

    Homosexuality should have been validated at the dawn of man, not in 2013 and the by the Supreme Court of America.

  6. And by a 5-4 decision.

  7. "Slow but steady progress wins the race."

    ‘Parents: teach your children well. They don’t need to grow up as fast as they can. Let them know what happened to you every time you rushed into things.’

    I wished I could tell them, anyone, but I can’t. I don’t even know that I rushed into things, it just happened slowly over time. When other people are involved, it is a dance. You think you know the next step, but they might have a different way of thinking, of dancing. The most important thing for me to do is to love them where they are. It’s just that I don’t know HOW to love them!! I don’t even know what steps to take that will be loving!!! I’m damned if I do, I’m damned if I don’t!!

    What is the will of God? If only someone could tell me, my life would not be such a struggle!! But even here, it IS the struggle that makes it life! I just don’t want to screw up someone else’s life!!! But that is exactly what I am afraid is happening! It is absolutely terrifying!!


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