Tuesday of the Twenty-Fifth Week In Ordinary Time
(Click here for readings)
The mother of Jesus and his brothers came to him but were unable to join him because of the crowd. He was told, "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you." He said to them in reply, "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it."
When the Lord spoke, people were amazed, for they had never heard anyone speak like him before.
And very few people speak like him today.
Nationality doesn't matter. Just like the Romans took pride in being Roman, so Americans take pride in being, well, Americans,
Not too much has changed. People still take pride in their nationality, as if "nationality" really existed, and was not a man made invention.
The same can be said of nations and borders. They do not really exist, at least not like bodies of water and land exist. There are no "real" borders surrounding nations. There are only man-made borders - fences and walls - subject to rise or fall, and change at the command of others. Is there any wonder why they must be guarded and secured at all times?
Are they meant to keep people in or out?
In the beginning, the story of salvation began with only one holy couple: Adam and Eve. With God's patience, and Noah's insight, it grew to include one holy family. With Abraham's obedience, it became one holy tribe. Under Moses' leadership it was united into one holy nation. With King David, it became one holy kingdom. And finally, through Jesus Christ, it became one holy Catholic (Universal) Church.
The world still operate with boarders. The Church has no borders. It crosses all borders out. for it is Catholic through and through, not only in faith but also in invitation. All are welcomed. All are invited. All are worthy.
The Catholic Church represents the best of humanity because it makes no distinctions between men and women. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28).
Race doesn't matter. For Martin Luther King, Jr., race was never an issue. His faith had allowed him to see beyond a man's color. In fact, for him, color was simply a distraction away from the real issue, the all-important issue: character. Is there any wonder the leader of the non-violent civil rights movement in America was a man of God?
Well, for all he said and did, he simply reiterated what Christ had said and done centuries ago: "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it."
Between us, race makes no difference; nationality makes no difference; borders make no difference. Not even sin makes a difference, for we are all sinners.
The only real difference (and distance) that lies between us is if we know it or not.
This homily is also insisting that we love selflessly i.e until it hurts. Surrendering oneself wholly to the service of others as well as God's. Most of da time our love goes to those who love us, our relations, those who do us good and who care 4 us. This we repent to the Lord. Oh! my Jesus grand us the grace bcoz we humanly can't make what u require of us.