Saturday of the Twenty-Sixth Week In Ordinary Time
(Click here for readings)
Turning to his disciples in private, Jesus said, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I say to you, many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it."
Not too long ago, a popular atheist blogger found himself in an awkward position. After having regurgitated a New York Times article glamourizing Rev. Teresa MacBain's so-called conversion from Methodism to atheism, the young and careless blogger was forced to publically admit that his new found hero was "soft" on the truth.
It turned out MacBain never received a Master of Divinity degree from Duke University, a claim the "Reverend" made on numerous occasions (including her resume) as she flaunted her atheism. As far as I can tell, she may not have received a degree from any University.
To make matters worse. Some time ago, the sloppy blogger wrote a lengthy blog regarding the hugely popular cable television show Duck Dynasty. He wrote that "No One’s Asking the Duck Dynasty Family to Stop Praying."
Really? No one? Where did he get this information? Well, it all began when a Facebook post accused atheists and liberals of fomenting complaints to A&E. Like that would never happen, right? But the devil is in the detail. Maybe no one was asking the Duck Dynasty family to stop praying. Maybe the liberals and atheists were just editing their prayers without asking them.
Well, CBS Houston asked someone from the family to respond, and the video has gone viral. This is what they reported:
Phil Robertson...said that the name Jesus has been cut out during the family’s prayer scene at the end of the show.
“So they would just have me saying, ‘Thank you Lord for the food, thank you for loving us. Amen.’ So I said, ‘Why would you cut out ‘In Jesus’ name?’ They said, ‘Well those editors are probably doing that. They just think that they don’t want to offend some of the Muslims or something.’”
Robertson said that since that conversation the show has been leaving “Jesus” in the show.
“So I notice now they are … leaving it in there, but you got to remember, spiritual warfare,” Robertson said. “I mean you have people with no moral compass, it ain’t there.”
Yep. It ain't there.
In Jesus' name. Here it is, available to all on cable TV. And yet, some highly influential people would prefer not to hear or see what so many prophets and Kings desired to hear and see. Instead, they prefer to perpetuate the illusion that no one prays to Jesus anymore and that Christianity is irrelevant. We know perfectly well how they're trying to do this: By editing out the truth.
They stand corrected, again.
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