Sunday, October 20, 2013

Luke 18:1-8 Remain Faithful. Stay Calm.

Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time
(Click here for readings)

Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.

Is prayer necessary?  If you want to persevere in your relationship with God and with others, then yes, absolutely!  If you want to grow - mature and blossom that is, then yes.  Definitely.

Prayer is essential for good physical, mental, psychological and spiritual health.  Those who pray, tend to handle harsh people with patience.  Those who pray, tend to handle crooks with courage.  Those who pray, tend to handle death extremely well.

Prayerful people tend to handle stressful situations with grace.  St. Philip Neri was known for his world famous smile.  Very few people knew he suffered from severe stomach ulcers.  St. Benedict of Nursia radiated the peace of Christ, even after some of his religious brothers tried to poison him.  St. John of the Cross wrote poetry while his faith community held him in prison.  St. John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, spent the last years of his life on the island of Patmos, alone and in exile.

Regardless of the writing on the wall, when we pray we live; and not only do we live, but we end up giving glory to God.

St. Paul, in his final letter to his beloved son, Timothy, wrote the following: "Remain faithful to whatever you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you learned it..." (2Tim 3:14).  He wrote this letter while in prison and in chains for the Lord.  Somehow he knew this would be his final letter to his beloved disciple.  In fact, it became St. Paul's last will and testament.  Read it, if you haven't already done so.  Notice how calm he is.  Notice how calm he remains.  Remain faithful.  Remain calm.  Remain in Christ's peace.   

Instead of being overcome with fear, Paul is overwhelmed with faith.  Instead of his senses turning numb, they were heightened by the sweet aroma of everlasting life.  Oh, God, how I need you!

The widow wins.  How?  How did she do it?  How did she outfox an old fox?  She prayed.  She prayed a lot.  And because she prayed a lot, she knew how to insist...and insist....and insist, and never give up.  It's obvious where she learned this lesson:  from God, in her relationship with Him.  If she could get what she asked for from the Big Guy, then convincing a mere judge was a cinch for her.

How did she win?  She persevered; which means she believed.  Perseverance means "to believe", not necessarily in thyself, but always in God.  And because this poor widow always believed in God, she always persevered ...and won.   

But be aware:  every relationship is a give and take relationship.  "The Lord gives and the Lord takes.  Blessed be God forever" (Job 1:21).

Do not be afraid.  This is not a one sided relationship.  It is a "Win-Win" relationship!

How to pray.  I think it was St. Augustine who once said, "Pray for anything that is not sinful."  Yes, pray for what you want, but always keep in mind the Lord has plans for you as well.  There is no such thing as a "Crossless" Christianity. 

The Lord did not come into the world to bring peace but the sword (cf. Mt 10:24).  Far too often we associate "peace" with good health, or wealth, or having friends and no enemies.  But as I mentioned above, the Saints never experienced perfect peace, nor did they experience a perfect life.  What they did experience is Jesus Christ. 

The name Christian reminds us of who we should be like. It also reminds us of who we should not be like. 

Remain faithful.  Stay calm.  Persevere.

P.S.  My dear friends, THANK YOU SO MUCH for keeping me in your prayers while I was on retreat.  I would also like to thank all my dear friends and students for having agreed to write (sometimes with very short notice) a meditation during my absence.  THANK YOU SO MUCH! 


  1. Fr. Alfonse,
    Everyone's contribution to your blog was appreciated during your retreat. This was a great idea.
    Your meditation for this morning, was on point. :)
    Rosa E.

  2. Welcome Back, Father Alfonse! I agree: Great idea to invite guest bloggers. I enjoyed reading the different perspectives. :)

    When I read the title of this meditation, the British saying "Keep Calm and Carry On" came to mind. We should keep calm when difficult situations arise and "carry on" by remaining faithful in God no matter how things turn out (good or bad). Sometimes our perseverance may not always lead to the result we want; however, we should accept it as God's will.

    Can you imagine if a "Crossless" Christianity truly existed? Wow. If nobody had to suffer or persevere in tough times, our world would be a boring place. I think each obstacle we face on earth is a testament to the power of Our Lord. He loves and cares for each one of us. Prayer is such a wonderful spiritual tool for our overall health and well-being.

    Have a great week!


  3. Father,
    Welcome back from retreat... thank you for your consistency and praise God for the grace to keep you hooked into his word daily. The fact that you have maintained since those beginning days is a gift given your demanding schedule!
    There is unprecedented fuel and fire here daily that you load up with and pour out to everyone. May you continue to cooperate with the Holy Sprit, God keep you plugged in, Mary wrap your mantle around Father. Those who read Fathers meditations...KEEP UP THOSE PRAYERS FOR OUR PRIESTS!!!! If you are reading this... pray one hail Mary for them.

  4. I think it was St. Augustine who once said, "Pray for anything that is not sinful." Yes, pray for what you want, but always keep in mind the Lord has plans for you as well.

    I know that I am no angel and never claimed to be. I pray for God’s will but deliberately and selfishly do my own. Father, you have helped me see this in this last week’s meditations. I fear I’m losing something great and so I cling to it. I know I have to let it go so that God may let me keep only what He wants me to keep. I don’t know why I do what I do not want to do, and don’t do what I wished that I had. Please pray for me. I know I can make it by praying. This is a mixed up world, and I am more of this world instead of His World.


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