Friday, December 6, 2013

Mt 9:27-31 Prepare The Way Of The Lord

Friday of the First Week of Advent
(Click here for readings)

As Jesus passed by, two blind men followed him, crying out, "Son of David, have pity on us!"  When he entered the house, the blind men approached him and Jesus said to him, "Do you believe that I can do this?"  "Yes, Lord," they said to him.

They knew something.  Advent is the season of great anticipation. 
As Christians, we patiently await the coming of our Lord.   Will there be much fanfare?  Probably not.  Will it be well advertised?  I don't think so.  Will it be simple?  Definitely.  Will it be personal?  You bet! 

The two blind men in today's Gospel passage must have been mature men.  With years of practice they fined tuned their hearing and, most importantly, their awareness of excitement and presence.  When they heard the murmuring of people and the shaking of the ground, without doubt they sensed a thrill in the air. 

The Lord is the master of surprises.  He truly makes a conscientious effort to thwart our plans for Him.  He refuses to be hunkered down by our definitions and ideas of Him.

In the Pope's conversation with Eugenio Scalfari, an atheist and editor of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, the Holy Father was asked the question: Is God Catholic?   I was delighted by the Pope's answer:  Of course not!  "I believe in God, not in a Catholic God; there is no Catholic God. There is God and I believe in Jesus, his incarnation." 

Of course his comment sent shock waves throughout the world, especially the Catholic world, where some conspiracy theorists began to speculate "If God is not Catholic, then maybe the Pope isn't either!"
Now I perfectly understand what the Pope said.  God is catholic in the catholic sense of the word; that is, He is Universal.  But he isn't Catholic in the Catholic sense of the word; that is, He isn't limited to one particular religion.  If anything, He is only limited by the Truth: for He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  And His power is not limited only to Catholics for Catholics, but by love - for He is Love.  So if the Lord refuses to allow His words of truth and works of mercy and forgiveness to be pinned down by others, then ask yourself:  Are your words and works limited only to people who think alike or that you like? 

Everyone desires love, even when it is hard to give and accept.  Everyone desires truth, even when it is hard to give and accept.  Hence, everyone desires God, even when it is hard to give what He wants and accept what He gives.  But if you think about it long enough, then it becomes all to clear:  Love and Truth - Christ's greatest attributes - will ultimately unite all mankind to Him and to one another.   It will not be rhyme or reason.

The blind men were given a raw deal.  But it didn't stop them in their tracks.  With great anticipation (maybe even more than the "normal" folks around him) they followed Jesus all the way to a home.  Can you imagine that!?  They followed him?   What an example!  What determination!  No wonder the Lord found more love among the poor, the sick and the sinners than among those who complain all day long about the poor, the sick and the sinners.  I have no doubt the Lord found more faith among the poor, the sick and the sinners than those who use the poor, the sick and the sinners as poor excuses for their own disbelief.

What a twisted world we live in.  Indeed:  the last shall be first and the first shall be last.  There is no rhyme or reason to this!

From all I have seen and read, coming out last is definitely the best way to prepare for the Lord's arrival.  So Advent is all about working hard to come out last.  It takes a lot of blind faith.


  1. Excellent meditation, Father Alfonse! I love that God is a universal God and loves each one of us regardless of our religious/non-religious affiliation.

    If I was a blind woman at the time Jesus lived, I'd courageously follow him for miles even if people thought I was a fool, a reject, and a society burden. I'd attend all his preaching events, attentively listening even if I couldn't "see" what's happening. Eventually, I'd hope he'd heal my sight, but I wouldn't expect it. I'd still be grateful for the opportunity to be in the vicinity of Jesus.....

    Your meditation today reminds me of a TED Talk given by Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, who speaks about how happiness is born out of gratitude. Many people undergoing misfortunes and horrific circumstances are some of the happiest people on earth because they are grateful. A very interesting talk you should check out:

    Our Lord, master of surprises, definitely gave us icicle displays today. Wow, trees are down all over my street. It's supposed to get even colder tonight! Stay warm!!



  2. Your exhortation to "come out last" during Advent reminded me of St. Francis de Sales' (Treatise on the Love of God) description of humility:

    Humility...makes us correctable, flexible, and obedient. ...(A)nyone who claims to be inspired, but will not obey his superiors and follow their counsel, is an imposter. The clearest indications of lawful inspiration are avoidance of infidelity and flippancy, peace and gentleness of heart, humble obedience, and avoidance of the extravagant.


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