Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mt 4:12-23 Better Dangerous Than Sorry

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Click here for readings)

As Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen.  He said to them, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."

They left everything behind.  Peter, Andrew, James and John left behind their boat and father to follow the Lord.  They did not follow Him because they were looking for a more difficult life.  No one does that. And neither would it be fair to say they looking for an easier life.     

They followed the Lord because they were looking for a more meaningful life. 

Meaning is what makes life worth living.  Finding meaning to existence is what life is all about.  Man does not live on fish alone, nor does he live on comfort alone.  He lives on meaning.  Why am I here?  What am I supposed to do? 

Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.  Yesterday, I saw a television show called "Mighty Planes."  I thought it would be about fighter planes and bombers.  It wasn't.  It was all about Donald Trump's personal 737 airplane and the people who operate and manage it.  

Yes, Donald Trump owns his very own Boeing 737 jet plane, and I think he likes to show it off.  Wouldn't you?  Wouldn't I? 

There's no doubt.  Trump's personality is seductive.  His millions are attractive.  His plane is very impressive.  But what I found most destructive was how Donald "owns" the people around him.  He really has them wrapped around his little finger! 

Staff and crew; that is, the adult men and women around him, acted like little puppies in his presence.  Now I know it's a show - for him and for them - but wow, was this a wakeup call to the power of money and how it can change even people's personalities. 

As I continued watching, surprisingly, I found myself a bit envious of Trump.  How nice it must be to tell someone to do something and they actually do it.  How relaxing.  How nice it must feel to be able to change your mind at the very last minute and no one  - NO ONE - says a negative thing about it.  How sweet.

But there is something seriously wrong with this.  It is all too human.

Come Follow Me.  No one wants to make sacrifices in their life.  No one seeks a difficult relationship.  But sacrifices and difficulties often help us to mature, and there is nothing wrong with growing up. 

Christ came down from heaven to earth to face fallen humanity.  He faced daunting difficulties with his own people.  He embraced horrible pains for them.  And it is precisely for these reasons we feel so loved by Him.  Sacrifices are never desired; they are chosen, and they are chosen to bring more meaning into life.  Christ's life, his sacrifices and challenges, has helped all mankind to mature; that is, to become more like Him.  To become better Christians.

The Pope is at the top of his game.  He is the big cheese.  But he doesn't lord it over his people.  Instead, he prefers to be the servant of servants: the servant of God's people.  And we love him dearly because of it.

Those who say they love the Pope because he is "more human" are ignoring the facts.  He is not more human. He is more Christian.  He is more divine.  In all honesty, he is more Christian than most of us. 

All those who say they love the Pope because he is "down to earth" have their heads in the sand.  He is not down to earth.  He is up in the heavens.  

If you want to see someone who is more human and down to earth, then watch the nightly news. 

The Pope is who he is because he has accepted Christ as He is:  human and divine. 

Are you ready to accept the Lord's amazing call and challenge?  Remember:  It isn't a call for a more comfortable life.  It is a call for a more meaningful life. 

If you think you are ready to accept His call, then come after Him.  Come follow him, and allow Him to make you a fisher of men. 

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