Monday within the Octave of Easter
(Click here for readings)
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce the news to his disciples.
Announcing the Good News. "Fearful yet overjoyed" is how every disciple of the Lord feels. Fearful, because we're never quite sure how the Lord will be received. Overjoyed, because we know we're not wasting our time.
Every day the Pope sends out a very simple, yet heartfelt message through Twitter. Every day he receives hundreds of replies that are hateful, insulting and grotesque. The individuals who often send these types of messages are atheists, not at all people of other faiths. I fear for the Pope's life. If they can express such cruel thoughts to a man like Pope Francis, imagine what they would do to him if they could get their hands on him.
Keep him safe, O God; you are our hope (cf. Ps 16).
Announcer and Announcement. Do you consider yourself unworthy to announce anything Christian? Well then consider Mary Magdalene.
Of all the people the Lord could have chosen, He chose a woman; and not just any woman, but a woman with a troubled past. This must have been a bit disturbing for the Eleven.
And that's not all. Not only did Christ choose a woman with a troubled past, but he chose her to announce something very hard to believe in: His Resurrection! Who in their right mind would have picked such a person? Only Jesus would do such a thing. Thank God! This is just another example of Christ being confusing, but not confused.
If the Lord picked Mary to make the greatest announcement ever, then the Lord could pick us to make a pitch for Him.
We should be overjoyed yet fearful.
I following the Pope on Twitter but can honestly say I have never read any of the replies to his posts..........until tonight! First I was disgusted by these ridiculous ramblings of obviously ignorant people. Then I was saddened, hoping that he does not read these replies. :( I do not understand what these people think they gain from writing such vile & disgusting responses. Is this our world? Really!
when I was in Austin this summer for the passage of the pro-life bill. I truly felt the clash of two worlds. Wee must pray for these people that their hearts be opened to Christ