Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mt 11:28-30 Planet of the...?

Thursday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time
(Click here for readings)

Jesus said:  "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart."

Come to me.  I find it a bit scary how life can turn on you in a minute.  One minute you're happy, the next in tears.  It's frightening to think about the little power you have in your life.  Of course we'd all like to think we had more, but we don't.  We can barely control ourselves let alone others! 

There is so much that is out of our control that could make or break us.

Now if you think this is scary, then know it gets worse when you consider how flimsy our state and federal governments and institutions are.  They are always but a few weeks from utter collapse.  History has demonstrated that a simple riot can easily turn into a revolution that topples a government.  Computer models have predicted how genetically man-ipulated virus could easily wipe out half the population as well as all essential institutions in a flash.

Maybe the reason why I am being so negative today is because I went to see the Planet of the Apes last night! These types of movies are made believable because there is enough truth mixed in with fantasy to make them believable.

Come to me...This is music to my ears and it should be music to everyone's ears.  It's a sweet reminder that we don't have to reinvent the wheel or guess what is right or wrong.  We know it all because of Him.  It's all laid out there to take upon our shoulders.  We just need our come to Jesus moment.

Come to me, all you who labor for justice and for peace.  Believe in me, and know that my ways will work better than your tried and tested ways in creating a better world. 



  1. I want to say a couple things here in response to this interesting post, Fr.

    I am very attuned emotionally to music and images (movies, videos. etc). I find that I can be very influenced by what I see and hear. If I watch or listen to frightening or violent images, I find myself upset ie angry, depressed, etc. On the other hand, listening to good music keeps my mood light and focused on the good. For example, I've been listening to Bach's St Matthew's Passion for the past hour.

    So, we should be cautious about what we see and hear. Most especially now when the REAL world is so very scary. While it may be entertaining it may not be good for you.

  2. Newguy40:

    Good thoughts. When I was a junior at Ursuline Academy (about 3 decades ago!) I remember a young dynamic priest (much like Father Alfonse!) speaking to us. He cautiioned us on this very topic. As a young soldier in Vietnam and years before his decision to enter the priesthood, he viewed a lot of pornography. He was never able to get those images out of his mind and they often plagued him even when he was in prayer. He encouraged us to be extremely discerning in what we read, heard, and viewed. Whenever I have doubt about my children (or even me) viewing or reading something, I remember the words of this wise priest and err on the side of caution. As an aside, if you like classical music, check out Beethoven's Archduke Piano Trio. The slow movement is a slice of heaven!


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