Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lk 7:36-50 Are You An Effective Team?

Thursday of the Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
(Click here for readings)

Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that [Jesus] was at table in the house of the Pharisee.  Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears.  Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment.  When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him..."

Friend of sinners.  Not only is Christ an expert at taking our worst day and turning it into an amazing blessing, but taking the worst of sinners and turning them into the greatest among saints!  This is what He did to this woman.  This is what He did to St. Paul

"[Jesus] appeared to James, then to all the Apostles.  Last of all, as to one born abnormally, he appeared to me.  For I am the least of the Apostles, not fit to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the Church of God.  But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective" (1Cor 15:1-11).

Changing hearts, minds and souls - lives - and turning them right-side-up is what Christ does best.  This is what the Church does best.  May we never fall into the temptation of the world and stop forgiving others. 

We, Americans, do a lot of things well.  Forgiving others is not one of them.  We are hesitant in forgiving people.  In fact, I would even dare to say we dare others to not be forgiving.  I would even go so far in saying we threaten others who forgive others.  If you don't believe what I am saying, then take a look at the recent spat of news and you will know what I mean. 

What does it mean to forgive someone?  It means to give people a second chance.

"Simon, I have something to say to you...Do you see this woman?  When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet, but she has bathed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair.  You did not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered.  You did not anoint my head with oil, but she anointed my feet with ointment.  So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven...But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little."

Openness.  What can we say about the woman who came to Jesus?  We can say she was courageous.  Absolutely brave!  It took a lot of courage for her to come out from hiding and into the open.  It took a lot of faith for her to approach the Son of God.  What will He do to me?  What will He say to me?   It took a lot of humility on her part to walk into the home of a Pharisee and admit her guilt. 

Today, I had the wonderful experience of sharing the Good News with the freshman at John Paul II High School.  What a great group of kids.  But I must admit...our graduates from All Saints simply shined above and beyond the rest!  They greeted the retreat team with smiles and hugs.  Their enthusiasm and joy helped fellow classmates to get into the spirit of the retreat and break down their interior "barriers" and artificial "masks."  They led from the beginning till the very end of the retreat. 

I am so proud of them!  We were a highly effective team.  God bless you!

Are you an effective team player?  Are you helping others to regain their relationship with the Lord?  Are you giving people a second chance? 

Simon didn't get it.  None of the Pharisees got it.  Holiness is not something to boast about but a solemn duty to get down and dirty with those who are looking for a second chance. 

Changing hearts and minds and souls is what Christ did best.  It is something we need to get better at.

1 comment:

  1. For an amazing story of forgiveness, check out Immaculée Ilibagiza. She survived the Rwandan genocide of 1994 where one million Tutsis were murdered by the Hutus by hiding in a small bathroom with several other women for 91 days. After she emerged, she was able to forgive her Hutu brothers and sisters (most of her family was killed). She is an international speaker that preaches a message of love and forgiveness. Check out Left to Tell and Led by Faith: Arising from the Ashes of the Rwadan Genoicde. It's incredible and humbling!


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