(Click here for readings)
Jesus said to the crowds: "To what shall I compare the Kingdom of God, or what parable can we use for it? It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants..."
I just got back from my vacation in Cancun! Wow! It was absolutely beautiful. Lots of sun. Lots of water. Lots of sand. Lots of stuff to meditate on. For example, the sand. How is sand made? By weathered materials like rocks. But that's the easy question. The tough question is "why?"
Why is sand made? For our enjoyment!
Life can be tough. It can weigh down on us. And tough days, weeks and months can wear down on us; break us down.
A mustard seed. Have you seen the movie Unbroken? I did. And I just read the book. One thing I read stuck in my mind: "A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of pain." For Louis Zamperini, this was his mustard seed. And knowingly or unknowingly, his mustard seed came from Sacred Scripture and, without doubt, from friends and enemies:
"Remember the days past when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a great contest of suffering. At times you were publicly exposed to abuse and affliction; at other times you associated yourselves with those so treated...Therefore, do not throw " (Heb. 10:32-33).
So what is your mustard seed? What are you growing from inside???
Don't let the world tear you apart, or break you down, or wear you out. Let it build you up! Let tough times toughen you up!
We all need a mustard seed, something to grow throughout our life, that is hardy and sturdy, and that actually grows in in rough and tough times. What will it be? Will it be fear or anger or resentment or bitterness? NO! PLEASE! These sentiments will destroy you. On the contrary, build up love.
What is Christ's mustard seed? I believe it is His love: "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends" (Jn 15:13).
Pain and suffering can either wear us down or build us up. They can either initiate anger, resentment and fear or reinvigorate faith, hope and love; they can either produce grains of sand or mustard seeds.
Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.
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