Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mk 16:15-20 Going, Going, Gone?

The Ascension
(Click here for readings)


Jesus said to his disciples: "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature."

After He had suffered.  In his first book, St. Luke explained all that Jesus did and taught until the day he was taken up.  He presented himself alive to them by many proofs after he had suffered."   

After he had suffered. 
This is a key to understanding the ascension.

Before we can ascend to heaven, we must descend on earth.  This is Christian physics 101. 

If someone wants to jump in the air, then they must first bend their knees and descend.  Similarly, if someone wants to get to heaven, then they must first get down and dirty and humble themselves.

The Ascension.  When I decided to become a priest, I found it very difficult to leave behind my family, my friends, the kids in Faith Formation. my work, my girlfriend, my money and my car (not necessarily in this order, okay?).  It was difficult to say goodbye to so many people.  But was I really leaving?  Was I really saying goodbye?  At first, I really believed I was, and so there were lots of tears and hugs and kisses.  But little by little, I realized that my life - my relationship - with them had not ended, it had just changed.  In fact, it had changed for the better.  I can honestly say that from that day on, I had a greater appreciation for all my loved ones.  They were now going to be in my daily prayers, whether or not they knew it or liked it!   

Christ never left His Apostles.  The Ascension is not a final farewell or going away party.  The Lord did not throw a big bash while His followers were weeping and wailing!  Sure, He was going to the Father, but by going to the Father, He was uniting our common humanity to the inner life of God in an unprecedented way.

His relationship with man was not coming to an end, it was only getting stronger!  His Spirit would now, and forever more, be a part of us, whether or not we knew it or liked it.

Today we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord into heaven - where heaven is not a place, but a person, for, as Pope Benedict states, "Jesus himself is what we call 'heaven.'"

Heaven as a person is another key to understanding the Lord's Ascension.

1 comment:

  1. Fr., I've never quite understood the Ascension. If Heaven isn't a place, or outside of our universe, or whatever (wherever?), what was the purpose of Jesus literally ascending? And why did he need to take his physical body?


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