Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mk 14:12-26 Joing Forces

The solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Click here for readings)


While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, "Take it this is my body."  Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it.  He said to them, "This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many."

A few times a year the priest sprinkles water over his congregation.  This ritual always elicits giggles and smiles from young people.  Now imagine for a moment if he sprinkled blood instead?  The sight would be horrifying!!!

That's exactly what Moses did!

In today's first reading, Moses took some blood from bulls and "sprinkled it on the people, saying 'This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words of his.'"

Why sprinkle blood over these people?  Because they have been saved by the blood of others.

Not only by His words did the Lord save us, but by His body and blood, soul and divinity, sweat and tears.  In other words, by His very life.

We often think of God as being just a spiritual being.  He is, but He is also a physical being:  JESUS CHRIST.  And this fact is so life changing in our relationship with God.  We love God not just because of what He said but because of what He did for us:  He created us and died for us.

His blood did not spill to the ground; it fell on us (cf. Mt 27:25).  His blood was not spilled out of desperation, but out of love for us, and we have been invited by the Lord to share our body and blood, heart, mind and soul with the Lord.

In your struggle.  There are so many people who struggle with life.  I recently came across a very disturbing article about a young girl who ran away from home at the age of twelve.  She was picked up by a couple and sold into prostitution.  When she was rescued, a man who was supposed to protect her ended up raping her.  Throughout her ordeal, all she wanted to do is die. 

When I get into philosophical or theological debates that never seem to end, I just think of this young girl.  When I read all the comments regarding Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner, I think about this young girl. 

I know these academic debates will matter little in the lives of those individuals who suffer a lot and wish they were dead. 

Who are these people?  They are the ones who are missing every Sunday. 

I know there are a lot of people who go to Church with a heavy heart, an aching body, and a tearful soul.  They have lost their faith in God, hope in themselves, and love for others.  

They have spilled their blood on the floor with no one to pick it up.

Corpus Christi.  On this Eucharistic Sunday, let us remind ourselves of the great challenge the Lord has given to all his followers:  "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for a friend." 

We may be flesh and blood, but we were created in the image and likeness of God.  Therefore, united to the Lord, by means of the Eucharist, we have been given a great opportunity to shine like the Son and unite our body and Blood to His Body and Blood.  In other words, to make all things new and possible; to take our humanity and mix it with His divinity.  To do what may seem to be insignificant and allow Him to turn it into something significant.

A few days ago I received a text message from a young person who was in town and wanted to get together.  I wasn't exactly in the mood to seem this person - I had so many things on my plate and I didn't have any "time to waste."  The good Lord even provided me with a good excuse not to get together:  I was going to be at a convocation!  But something (more like Someone) kept telling me to make the "sacrifice" and get it over with.  

Our conversation started off  light.  I asked how things were going.  The answer I received did not sound too reassuring.  I asked what was wrong. 
"I don't think I will be coming down to Dallas again, Father."  "Why?" 
"Things didn't work out the way I thought they would."
"What happened?"
"None of my friend wanted to see me.  Only you, Father, responded."

Every Sunday we receive a little host filled with the body and blood, soul and divinity, sweat and tears of our Lord.  With Him, in Him and through Him, we join our humanity to his divinity and end up doing more for Him and neighbor than we could ever have imagined.

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