Are you crazy? That would have been my response a few years back if someone had told me that I would be poor, unmarried and servile. This is not what life is all about. After all, I was meant to live it high and mighty.
Moses proposes to God’s people: Today I set before you life and prosperity, death and doom (Dt 30:15). Christ proposes to his disciples: Today I set before you death or life, the Cross or the World.
Choose well.
The conditions of discipleship are set. No one will ever change them, not the Pope and not even the people of God. These conditions come from God himself. God is easily pleased but not easily satisfied. He demands it all or “go back to where you came from.” No one can serve two masters, not even the Master. It’s all or nothing.
Christians can be “like Christ” if they are both human and divine. But they cannot be both worldly and Godly. It must be one or the other, and to be with Christ means to be with the One who won.
Why such a radical life? This is best explained by the response to Christ’s life by the Elders, the Chief priest and the Pharisees: He must die. Christ shakes up their worldly power, worldly authority and worldly life. He shakes up the world! There isn’t enough space on earth for the two. All involved are perfectly aware that this is a battle of life and death. What Christ’s adversaries do not realize is that they are digging their own grave. The world will never again here of Pharisees or Scribes, High priests or even Elders. The paradox is that Christ’s death brought about their death. “Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.”
We know what Moses meant when he offered his people life and prosperity; he offered them the Commandments. Live by the Commandments. They are the perfect prescription for life and health. They do not limit our freedoms; they protect them. They enrich life, not bore it to death with the same horrible consequences that occur every single time we break them! They add salt to the world; not on the wound.
But not even the Commandments are good enough. To live the Commandments (and our vows) without Christ would be like a Cross without Christ: UNBEARABLE!
Blessed the man who follows the counsel of the Lord, he is like a tree planted near running water, that yields its fruit in due season, and whose leaves never fade. Whatever he does, prospers (Psalm 1). Christ is our water. He brings all good things to life. To live life without him would be like a tree planted in the desert: Useless, purposeless, meaningless…UNBEARABLE!
Lord, may everything we do begin with your inspiration, continue with your help, and reach perfection under your guidance. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
"Lord, may everything we do begin with your inspiration, continue with your help, and reach perfection under your guidance. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever." - Amen, Amen, Amen!
ReplyDelete- I love this prayer.
Have the best day!
Excellent Meditation Father!
ReplyDeleteMoses proposes to God’s people: Today I set before you life and prosperity, death and doom (Dt 30:15). Christ proposes to his disciples: Today I set before you death or life, the Cross or the World.
Choose well.
That is very powerful. Something to reflect on each and everyday! Because the temptations of this world are great and it is a daily battle.
Are you crazy? That would have been my response a few years back if someone had told me that I would be poor, unmarried and servile. This is not what life is all about. After all, I was meant to live it high and mighty.
I love the way God works! His ways are so mysterious! The thought of getting married or having kids NEVER crossed my mind while I was growing up. My only thought was on playing an after school game of football with all of the boys in my court. I never even cared for or liked kids much (until my nieces and nephew were born).Look at me now! Just plain crazy!
I love the way He unfolds my life day by day. Of course, that is when I back off and let Him lead. When He leads everything just fits perfectly together like a puzzle. I might be missing a center or a corner piece but He just keeps adding and fitting the pieces perfectly together. And if I let Him, give Him all the control, at the end of my life I will have the finished product, a beautiful work of art...my life, a Master piece!
Have a Blessed day!
Rose :)
I cannot take credit for the prayer at the end. It is from the Opening Prayer for the 1st week of Lent. :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat is crazy? Does crazy mean contrary to logic? (human logic) If that is a definition, then I think God is crazy and He asks us to be crazy for Him. And being crazy for God can be painful.
ReplyDeleteIn prayer, when I hear the Lord ask me to respond in some way that seems crazy to me, that I don't want to do, I ask Him if he is crazy then I give him all the logical reasons it won't work, or why I think it's crazy. The response I always get is, “trust me and do what I ask and no one will get hurt (except your (my) pride)”. [OK, I paraphrased a little]. So I do and He's right 'about both'. His ways are crazy. He doesn't seem to do anything like any rational human being would. And I guess that's why this human condition coupled with Catholicism is so hard.
How do we put our logic, pride and vanity away and just do what He asks?
If I could accomplish that or even one of those things, I would be a different person with a completely different life. Or maybe the same one only tons better.
I do realize it takes prayer, grace and my cooperation, but what else? OK, maybe it's the cooperation part that is so difficult.
Sometimes it seems like He is asking me to free fall off the side of a mountain. That's the feeling I get when I'm considering the task. trust me, Trust me, Trust Me, TRUST Me, TRUST ME is what I hear and sometimes I just can't do it.
What is wrong with me?
ReplyDeleteI don't think there is anything wrong with you. Trusting God is huge. How many of us can say we really trust him enough to do something contrary to logic and public approval, even when we know it is what he is asking us to do?
Truthfully, I care more about what others think of me. I'm not proud of it, but it's true. I am a coward when it comes to being bold in the face of ridicule, even for God:(
So I commend you Anon. for letting people think you are crazy by doing something for God, even if it's only some of the time.