Whatever doubts Thomas had, he more than made up for them in his Easter acclamation; “My Lord and my God.” Easter came a little late for Thomas, but he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who was standing before his eyes.
“Seeing is believing!”, that’s the "World's" first and greatest Commandment. And the second is similar, "Believe all the bad you hear and only the good you see." But Christ demands the opposite: “Believing is seeing" and "Believe all the good you hear and only the bad you see." Faith is a virtue! Facts are not. Lord, increase our faith!
Thomas received a very special grace reserved to only a few. He saw the wounded Lord. Among Christ's friends, only Mary and John had seen Jesus crucified. It is important to note that prior to Thomas' request, no mention is ever made of the wounds of the resurrected Christ. While the Lord appeared to all the Apostles (except for Thomas) the week before, there was mentioned only joy and celebration - no wounds. Today, one week later, the Lord directs his attention and appearance to Thomas. Christ is telling Thomas what he tells us today, "have no more doubts, it is I. I am here for you."
Christ was wounded by my sins and died because of my sins. But the Lord also rose for me and will come again for me. How long will it take for me to realize that Christ’s life was entirely lived for me? In fact he died for me more than for the Apostles. The Lord says, “Blessed are they who believe and do not see.” This means I am among the blessed!
Thomas' doubt was based on a fear that the Lord had abandoned him. May we never doubt the amazing love that Christ has for us, and may we never reject the amazing graces he has in store for us! His love is mature - never based on emotion, but on solid acts of love. His love is a love that will lead me home and place me among the holy ones. Let’s get used to saying today what we will say forever: “My Lord and my God."
And that is so true! "My Lord and my God". As I told you before, I am so blessed that I get to participate of this faith and understanding of Christ in this century and not back then when Jesus walked over the earth. My blessing is my faith, what supports me every day.
ReplyDeleteThank you for these beautiful words, Father!
This has truly touched me that I am one among the blessed!