There is a huge difference between being childlike and childish.
To be childlike means to be open (eyes wide open) to wonder and truth. To be childish means to be closed (eyes shut tight) and remain arrogant and obstinate. What a difference between Heaven and Hell. If there were a passage way from Hell to Heaven, from eyes shut to eyes wide open, it would be through the virtue of Humility. Humility breaks the barrier from childish to childlike. A great man once said, “It takes a great man to realize how small he is.” This type of humility is required to experience wonder and truth. The childlike will say, “I have so much to learn.” The childish will always say, “I know.” Socrates was the greatest man who ever lived - wise and innocent - full of wonder and truth, childlike. He would have made a great disciple of the Lord.
“Lord, return to me the joy of my childhood! Recreate in me a pure heart. Teach me your ways and protect my innocence.” It took Jesus, childlike, meek and humble of heart, innocent (not naïve) and wise, to reveal the mysteries of who we are and what we are here for. Who are we? A gift from God. What are we here for? To be Saints. What must I do? Be holy. How? By following the Will of God. And what is the Will of God for me? To love unconditionally. To love Him and to love one another. In other words, we are called into existence to be a love gift from above to another. The purpose of the Universe, the reason for man’s existence is, in a nut shell, to crank out saints. This is the “Big Bang Theory of Catholicism.” It all starts from one tiny explosion of love. I am a gift from God, freely given to the world for the world. I have only one purpose in life and in death: Sainthood. To be a Saint means to be united with the Lord, to stand by Him. Children may act up and rebel against their mother and father, but as soon as danger draws near, they run for protection. Jesus invites us all to run to Him, “Come to me…” It’s not childish! It is childlike!! It is wonderful and true. Sin has made us deaf and blind, but not the Lord. “Shall He who shaped the ear not hear? Or He who formed the eye not see” (Psalm 94).
It’s time to drop the dolls and action figures, drop all those things that we cling to, and hand ourselves over to the Lord. What “things” did Christ reveal to the childlike? The Rules of Engagement – the Rules of the Game: Love requires humility; humility requires eyes to be wide open; eyes wide open require a childlike heart.
Today, let us bow our heads and bend our knees to the one who is True and Wonderful, wise and innocent and whose image the redeemed (childlike) man is made in.
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