Where did Christ find the strength to endure all things, bear all things and love unconditionally? From the Father through prayer. Prayer is essential. Our Lord and Savior prayed! He began and ended his day in prayer. Before making any important decision he prayed. The Apostles recognized this need by observing Jesus when he was among the crowd, in front of his enemies and when he was alone. For this reason they asked him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Their petition is our petition today.
Every day, rain or shine, whether I feel like it or not, I set aside one hour a day for personal prayer and meditation. If I do not pray today, then I have nothing of value to offer the world today. I am not who or what I claim to be. Better yet, I am nothing to the world. Prayer is essential for Christian living. How I pray will determine how I react. How I react, will determine how I live. How I live will determine how I live throughout eternity. Prayer is essential to life and life everlasting.
Jesus taught his disciples to pray, to call God “Father” and to ask for our daily bread. Life is not easy, trials are always present, difficulties abound, and temptations can knock us to our knees. Take advantage of the blessing of prayer to thank the Lord during moments of calm; ask for strength during stormy times; and renew your life and commitments in moments of recovery. Do I realize that prayer can save my marriage, strengthen my friendships, overcome my difficulties, forgive my sins, convert sinners, transform my enemies, stops wars, and heal my scars from all forms of abuse? Prayer is for me and for my neighbor! It allows me to move forward and in the right direction.
We learn, through Sacred Scripture, of the beautiful and deeply moving dialogue (prayer) between Abraham and God and how the Lord is slow to anger and just in his actions. Would he spare the city of Sodom if there were at least ten righteous persons living there? The answer is “yes”. We know now that when we pray, we can intercede for others. We also know that the Lord would come to save us (and die for us), if the world only had one sinner.
The Lord is love and he conquered the world with his love. Let us pray for a deeper knowledge, a greater appreciation and a stronger devotion of his love for us. Our prayers are the keys that unlock the doors in heaven and allow us to find and receive the answers to the mysteries that await us.
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